
Defect of the formal algebra 3"

2014-12-14 13:09:16 | Mathematics
1 You may put 0'=(∅,∅) and 1'=({∅},{∅}).
2 If C is a set, 2C-{∅} is a set and
is a set by the axiom of replacement. R=∪X is a set then.
3 R"={y|∃x((x∈R)∧∀z((z∈y)↔∀w(((w,1')∈z)↔((w,1')∈x))))}
is a set if R is a set.
4 When u={ai}i∈I, v={ei}i∈J, w={gi}i∈K, (u+v)+w={di}i∈I∪J∪K=u+(v+w).
(di=ai+ei+gi for i∈I∩J∩K, di=ai+ei for i∈(I∩J)-K, di=ei+gi for i∈(J∩K)-I,
di=gi+ai for i∈(K∩I)-J, di=ai for i∈I-(J∪K), di=ei for i∈J-(K∪I), di=gi for i∈K-(I∪J).)
5 For v∈R, v+{0'}i∈I~v+{0'}i∈J (I,J ∈2C-{∅})
6 If u={ai}i∈I∈F2I is a set, J={x|(x∈u)∧∃y(x=(y,1')} is a set. {y|∃x((x∈J)∧(x=(y,1'))}={i|(i∈I)∧(ai=1')} is a set
then. Similarly, {i|(i∈I)∧(ai=0')} is a set too.
7 If u,u"∈R and u~u", u={ai}i∈H, u"={a"i}i∈H" (H,H" ∈2C-{∅}),
I={i|(i∈H)∧(ai=1'}={i|(i∈H")∧(a"i=1')} and J"={i|(i∈H)∧(ai=0')} and K"={i|(i∈H")∧(a"i=0') are sets
if C is a set.
If I≠∅, you can write u={1'}i∈I+{0'}i∈J, u"={1'}i∈I+{0'}i∈K. (If J"≠∅, J=J". If J"=∅,J=I. If K"≠∅,K=K". If K"=∅,K=I.)
For v∈R, v+u=(v+{1'}i∈I)+{0'}i∈J~(v+{1'}i∈I)+{0'}i∈K=v+u"
If I=∅, v+u=v+{0'}i∈H~v+{0'}i∈H"=v+u".
Similarly, u+v=u"+v. u~u",v~v"⇒ u+v~u"+v~u"+v".
8 Assume ¬(x-1∈N")∧(x≠1). If z=x-1, z∉N". z∉N"-{x} (z∈N"-{x})→(z∪{z}∈N"-{x}) is true.
If z≠x-1,z∪{z}≠x and (z∈N"-{x}⇒z∈N"⇒(z∈P)∧(z∈y for y for which ∀w((w∈y)→(w∪{w}∈y))∧(1∈y))
⇒(z∪{z}∈P)∧(z∪{z}∈y) ⇒ z∪{z}∈N"⇒ z∪{z}∈N"-{x}). (z∈N"-{x})→(z∪{z}∈N"-{x}) is true.
So ∀z((z∈N"-{x})→(z∪{z}∈N"-{x})) is true and 1∈N"-{x}. If z∈N",z∈N"-{x}. N"⊂N"-{x}
9 When x1∋x2∋…(infinitely),{x1,x2,…} is countable and isn't a set.
10 Nonstandard mathematics got by using x∈N" instead of N(x) may be consistent But you
cannot calculate most of elements of N" for N" is an infinite set and isn't countable.
Do such numbers have sense?
11 Let s(x,y) be a function symbol. You may set up the axioms ∀x∀y(s({x},{(x,y)})=y and
∀x∀y∀z∀w((x∉y)→(s(y∪{x},z∪{(x,w)})=s(y,z)+w)). s(I,{xi}i∈I)=∑i∈Ixi then.
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