
Defect of Peano's axioms

2019-01-10 00:31:09 | Mathematics
Naoto Meguro. Amateur.
MSC 2010. Primary 03C62;Secondary 03C55.
Key Words and Phrases. Peano's axioms,Fermat conjecture,Beal conjecture.
The abstract. Peano's axioms don't prove Fermat conjecture and Beal conjecture.

I indicate Peano's axioms(PA) don't prove Fermat conjecture(FC) and Beal conjecture(BC).

Assume that the standard mthematics is consistent. Put N={0,1,2,…}.
Put X={0∈N", ∀x∀y(((x∈N")→(s(x)∈N"))∧((s(x)=s(y))→(x=y))∧(s(x)≠0))∧((x≠0)→∃z(S(z)=x)),
Let d be a free individual symbol. X doesn't include d.
Theorem 1. X has a model M for which M |= (d∈N")∧(d≠n) for ∀n∈N.
Proof. X∪{d∈N",d≠0,d≠1,d≠2,…,d≠m} has a model Mm for which
Mm |= (d=m+1)∧(N"=N) and is consistent for ∀m∈N.
So X∪{d∈N",d≠0,d≠1,d≠2,…(infinitely)} is consistent and has a model M. M is a model of X
and M |= (d∈N")∧(d≠n) for ∀n∈N.♦
Let M be that in theorem 1. Let O be the object domain of M. Define M" and xy by
M" |= xy=the usual one when y∈N and M" |= xy=0 for the other cases
and M |= p(c1,…,cm) ⇔ M" |= p(c1,…,cm). p(x1,…xm) is an arbitrary predicate symbol
and cn∈O. The object domain of M" is O.
M" is a model of PA=X∪{∀x∀y((x∈N")∧(y∈N")→(x0=1)∧(xs(y)=(xy)x))}.
If N∈O, M |= N"=N. But M |= d∈N" and d∉N for M. So N∉O.
{x| M" |= (x∈N")∧(nx≠0)}=N∉O for ∀n∈N-{0}. You cannot prove M" |= ∀x((x∈N")→(nx≠0)) by induction.
Put FC=∀x∀y∀z∀n((x∈N")∧(y∈N")∧(z∈N")∧(n∈N")∧(xyz≠0)→(xn+3+yn+3≠zn+3)).
Theorem 2. PA doesn't prove FC.
Proof. M" |= (d∈N")∧(2d+3=0=0+0=2d+3+2d+3). M" |= ¬FC. ¬(PA |- FC). ♦
Theorem 3. PA doesn't prove BC.
Proof. M" |= (d∈N")∧(2d+3+3d+4=0+0=0=5d+5. M" |= ¬BC. ¬(PA |- BC).♦
In the standard mathematics based on PA,you can set up pd-0=0-0, pd/1=0/1,(pd,pd,…)=(0,0,…)
pd=0 as a real number. ζ(d)=2d/(2d-1)×3d/(3d/(3d-1)…=0 (d≥1) then.
The standard mathematics based on PA doesn't prove Riemann hypothesis.

You could not evolve the natural number theory by only PA.
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