
A paradox of the set theory 2.1

2016-04-18 20:41:03 | Mathematics

I indicate defect of the homological algebra and the algebraic geometry by a paradox
of the set theory. Generally, countable union of sets isn't a set. You must not use the
tensor product and the polynomial ring. The algebraic geometry you know isn't consistent.
The standard mathematics may not be consistent. You must reexamine many theorems soon.

Let X be a countable and consistent axiom system of the standard mathematics (ZFC etc.).
Let d be a free individual symbol. The mathematical axioms in X don't include d.
Theorem 1. If cm-(c0∪…∪cm-1)≠∅ for ∀m∈N,
there isn't a set c for which ∀M((M is a model of X.)⇒∀x((M |= x∈c) ⇔
(M |= x∈c0)∨(M |= x∈c1)∨…(infinitely))).
Proof. Assume that such a set c(=c0∪c1∪…(infinitely)) exists.
∃bm(bm∈cm-(c0∪…∪cm-1)⊂c) The axiom system
X∪{d∈c}∪{d∉c0}∪…∪{d∉cm-1} has a model Mm for which Mm |= d=bm
and is consistent for ∀m(∈N). So X∪{d∈c}∪{d∉c0}∪{d∉c1}∪…(infinitely) is consistent
and has a model M. M is a model of X.
So (M |= d∈c)⇔(M |= d∈c0)∨(M |= d∈c1)∨…(infinitely).
But (M |= d∉c0)∧(M |= d∉c1)∧…(infinitely). This is contradiction.♦
You cannot evolve the measure theory.
Let A be a commutative ring in the mathematics by X.
Theorem 2. For the infinite set S,you must not use A(S) as a set.
Proof. Put A0={0}S. Am={f|(f∈AS)∧∃s1…∃sm∀s((f(s)≠0)↔(s=s1)∨…∨(s=sm))}
is a set. You can set up that b1∈S, b2∈S,…(infinitely) (bi≠bk for i≠k.).
Define fm(bi)=1 (1≤i≤m) fm(x)=0 (x∈S-({b1,…bm}). fm∈Am-(A0∪…∪Am-1)
Let M be an arbitrary model of X. If A(S) exists in the mathematics by X,
(M |= f∈A(S))⇔ (M |= f∈A0∪A1∪…)⇔(M |= f∈∪{A0,A1,…})⇔ ∃m(M |= f∈Am)
⇔(M |= f∈A0)∨(M |= f∈A1)∨…(infinitely)
Such a set A(S)=A0∪A1∪…(infinitely) doesn't exist by theorem 1.♦
You cannot get the projective resolution of the infinite A module L by A(L)→L→0 (exact).
Put I=∃g(g:A(L)∋f→∑x∈L f(x)x∈L). X |- I ⇒ M |= I M is an arbitrary model of X.
x∈L f(x)x must become a finite sum for every model of X.
Theorem 3. For A modules L and N, L⊗AN isn't a set if L or N isn't a finite set.
Proof. If L⊗AN is a set, ∪L⊗AN=A(L×N) (or Z(L×N)) is a set.
This is contradiction by theorem 2 if L×N isn't a finite set.♦
Let g∈L"L×N be an A-balanced mapping.
Put I"=∃h((h:L⊗AN∋∑(x,y)∈L×Nf(x,y)x⊗y →∑(x,y)∈L×Nf(x,y)g(x,y) ∈L")∧(f∈A(L×N))).
X |- I" ⇒ M |= I" M is an arbitrary model of X. ∑(x,y)∈L×Nf(x,y)g(x,y) must become a finite sum for M.
∃h∃k(h=k⊗ZC) is false by theorem 3 if C is a set. Hodge conjecture is written like
∀w(∃h∃k((h=k⊗ZC)∧Q(w,h,k))→Q"(w)). This is true if C is a set.
L,N and A must be finite sets to define TorAm(L,N).
Theorem 4. The polynomial ring A[t] isn't a set.
Proof. Put Pm=A+At+…Atm. tm∈Pm-(P0∪…∪Pm-1)
Let M be an arbitrary model of X.
(M |= x∈A[t])⇔(M |= x∈P0)∨(M |= x∈P1)∨…(infinitely)
A[t] isn't a set by theorem 1.♦
Similarly,A[t1,…,tn] isn't a set.
Put 1={∅}, n+1=n∪{n}={∅,1,2,…,n}. These are sets.
Theorem 5. N={1,2,…} isn't a set.
Proof. {n}-({1}∪…∪{n-1})={n}≠∅ Let M be an arbitrary model of X.
(M |= n∈N)⇔(∃m((m∈N)∧(M |= n∈{m}))⇔(M |= n∈{1})∨(M |= n∈{2})∨… N isn't a set by theorem 1.♦
Theorem 6. Z and Q aren't sets.
Proof. If Z=N×N/~ ((a,b)~(c,e)⇔a+e=b+c) is a set, ∪Z=N×N is a set. N is a set then.
This is contradiction by theorem 5. If Q=Z×(Z-{0})/~ ((a,b)~(c,e)⇔ae=bc) is a set,
Q=Z×(Z-{0}) is a set. Z is a set then. This is contradiction.♦
Theorem 7. The real number isn't a set.
Proof. If the real number r={a,b} defined by Dedekind cut is a set,∪r=a∪b=Q is a set.
This is contradiction by theorem 6.♦
Theorem 8. R isn't a set.
Proof. If R is a set, Q"={{a,b}|({a,b}∈R)∧∃x∀y((y∈a)↔(y≤x))} is a set.
Q={x|∃c((c∈Q")∧∃a∃b((c={a,b})∧∀y((y∈a)↔(y≤x))))} is a set by the axiom of replacement.
This is contradiction by theorem 6.♦
C isn't a set too.
N,Z,Q,R,C must not appear in the standard mathematics whose object domain includes only sets.
The millennium prize problems except N≠NP problem are nonsense in it. For example,
Riemann hypothesis ∀x∀y((x∈R)∧(y∈R)∧ζ(x+y√-1)=0)→(x=1/2)∨(y=0)) is nonsense.
You cannot construct the mathematics by the set theory.

Are these troubles fatal or avoidable? I hope to hear your opinions.
The physics isn't consistent by theorem 7. Every phenomenon like
the free energy or the free productivity is possible. This is an answer to the 6th problem
of Hilbert.

Theorem 8. UFD which isn't a field isn't a set.
Proof. Let P be the set of the prime elements of A. Put B0={e|(e∈A)∧(e|1)},
Let q(≠0) be a prime element of A. If A is a UFD, qm∈Bm-({0}∪B0∪…∪Bm-1)
Let M be an arbitrary model of X. If A is a UFD,
∀x((M |= x∈A)⇔(M |= x∈{0})∨(M |= x∈B0)∨(M |= x∈B1)∨(M |= x∈B2)∨…(infinitely)
A isn't a set by theorem 1.♦ The regular local ring isn't a set?

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