
Fermat conjecture 1.1

2016-12-01 04:03:16 | Mathematics

I show a counter-example of Fermat conjecture by a non-standard model.
You cannot prove Fermat conjecture in the formalism. The known proofs
use the logic which you cannot formalize. If you admit such logic,the
standard mathematics isn't consistent.

Let X be a countable and consistent axiom system of the standard mathematics.
You may set up that ∀x∀y((x∈N")∧(y∈N")→(x≤y)∨(x≥y))∈X and
∀a((a∈{0,1}N")→∃x((x∈N")∧∀y((y∈N")∧(x≤y)→(a(y)=0))→(∑m∈N" a(m)2m ∈N"))) ∈X
and (1∈N")∈X, (2∈N")∈X , … and ∀x((x∈N")→(2x∈N")) ∈X
for these are formed for the standard model for which N"=N={1,2,3,…}.
Let d be a free individual symbol. The mathematical axioms in X don't include d.
Theorem 1. X has a model M for which M |= d-m∈N" for ∀m∈N∪{0}.
Proof. X∪{d∈N"}∪{d-1∈N"}∪…∪{d-m∈N"} has a model Mm for which
Mm |= (d=m+1)∧(N"=N) and is consistent for ∀m∈N.
So X∪{d∈N"}∪{d-1∈N"}∪{d-2∈N"}∪…(infinitely) is consistent and has a model M.
M is a model of X. M |= d-m∈N" for ∀m∈N.♦
Put FC(n)=∀x∀y∀z((x∈N")∧(y∈N")∧(z∈N")→(xn+yn≠zn)) (n∈N).
Theorem 2. ¬(X |- FC(n)) for∀n∈N.
Proof. There is a b(∈{0,1}N) for which |1/21/n-∑m∈Nb(m)/2m|≤1/2k for ∀k∈N.
You may set up that (c∈{0,1}N")∧((∑m∈N" c(m)/2m)n=1/2)∈X and (c(1)=b(1))∈X,(c(2)=b(2))∈X,…
and ∀x((x∈N")→(1/2x≥0)∧(1/2x≠0))∈X for these are formed for the standard model for which N"=N.
Let D be the object domain of M in theorem 1. Define x≥y ⇔ M |= x≥y for x∈D and y∈D.
x=y ⇔ (x≥y)∧(y≥x) ⇔ M |= x=y for x∈D and y∈D. Put L={m|(m∈D)∧(M |= m∈N")}.
Put r=∑m∈L c(m)/2m and s=∑m∈N b(m)/2m. By formal calculation of real numbers,you get
sn=∑m∈N b"(m)/2m (b"(m)=0 or =1). |s|≤1 1/21/n≤1
|sn-1/2|=|(s-1/21/n)(sn-1+sn-2/21/n+…+1/2(n-1)/n|≤n/2n+m≤1/2m for ∀m∈N.
When b"(1)=1,∃m((m∈N-{1})∧(b"(m)=1))⇒(sn-1/2≥1/2m). So sn=1/2. When b"(1)=0,
∃m((m∈N-{1})∧(b"(m)=0))⇒(1/2-sn≥1/2m). So sn=∑m∈N1/2m+1. sn-sn/2=1/22 sn=1/2 in this case too.
You may assume ∀x(∀m((m∈x)→(c(m)/2m≥0))→(∑m∈x c(m)/2m ≥0)) and
∀x∀y((x∩y=∅)→∑m∈x∪y 1/2m=∑m∈x 1/2m +∑m∈y 1/2m
and ∑m∈{k} 1/2m=1/2k as axioms about ∑.
k∈L ⇒ M |= k∈N" ⇒ M |= c(k)/2k≥0 ⇒ c(k)/2k≥0 L-{m}-N⊂L So q=∑k∈L-{m}-N c(k)/2k ≥0.
And m∈L-N⇒ 1/21/n=r=q+c(m)/2m+s≥c(m)/2m+s≥s=1/21/n ⇒ c(m)=0.
M |= c(m)=1 ⇒ m∈N ⇒ M |= d-m∈N" ⇒ d-m∈L.
M |= 2dr=0+02+022+… …+c(m)2d-m+…+c(1)2d-1+02d+02d+1+…=∑m"∈N" e(m")2m" ∈N".
(e(m")=c(d-m") when (m"∈L)∧(d-m"∈L) and e(m")=0 when (m"∈L)∧(d-m"∉L).
So m"≥d ⇒e(m")=0. ∑m∈L e(m)2m=2dm∈L c(m)/2m +∑m∈L 02d+m-1 -∑m∈L 0/2m)=2dr+0-0.
You may set up that ∀x((x∈N")→(g(x)∈{0,1}N")
∧∀m"∀y(((m",y)∈g(x))↔((m"∈N")∧(x-m"∈N")∧(y=c(x-m"))∨((m"∈N")∧(x-m"∉N")∧(y=0)))) ∈X.
M |= d∈N" M |= g(d)=e∈{0,1}N" So M |= 2dr∈N".) M |= rn=1/2. M |= 2d∈N"
M |= (2dr)n+(2dr)n=(2d)n. M |= ¬FC(n). If X |- FC(n), M |= FC(n). This is contradiction.♦
You cannot prove Fermat conjecture in the formalism. The axiom systems which prove
FC(n) aren't consistent.
Theorem 3. The standard mathematics isn't consistent.
Proof. You may set up that FC(4)∈X for FC(4) is formed in the standard mathematics
for which N"=N. X |- FC(4) X isn't consistent then by theorem 2.♦

The known proofs of FC(n) use the unique factorization theorem or the tensor product
which you cannot formalize. (2d(∈N") isn't a product of finite prime numbers.)
The strict formalism doesn't use them and can ignore theorem 3 but cannot prove Fermat conjecture.
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