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2015年11月07日 08時20分43秒 | 日記
>>Yan Dora Wong

多半,不感到與「叫來鄉愁的風景」重在一起,那樣的氣也沒有。為何懷念。伴隨那樣的感情在這個寓言的風景上(裡)覺得留戀。是真的不可思議的感覺。/Probably overlap with "scenery to cause homesickness"; feel such. I let you take to me for some reason. I feel attachment in the scenery of this fable with such feelings. It is a really mysterious sense./おそらくは、「郷愁を呼ぶ風景」と重なっている、そのような気がしないでもない。なぜか懐かし。そんな感情を伴いこの寓話の風景に愛着を感じている。ほんとに不思議な感覚だ。

關於這個寓言,不是我以前生活的環境事確實。然而,有記憶幻覺的景色因為沒錯不可思議。/In the case of this fable, it is sure that it is not the environment where I have ever lived. But it is mysterious because it is certain that it is scenery with the paramnesia./この寓話の場合は、私がかつて生活していた環境ではないことは確かだ。だけれども、既視感がある景色であることは間違いないから不思議だ。

我們朋友全部各自達到著成年年齡。又我們大人,時候最以前印象留有的風景和印象試著成為夢。近來的我等時常有忽然到是什麼拍子過頭的。戰爭時期度過年幼期的年齡的人,說不定作為那個荒涼的風景的情況。對深山裡的農村和漁村接受純粹的人來說,那個是融洽大自然活下去的動物們,出奇地嚴的狀況的說不定風景。很多那些根本有年幼期的生活環境的情況多。/Each achieves all we friends to the age of adult. And we adult is the sometimes oldest, and scenery and an image remaining in the impression become the dream. It sometimes includes recent us to be over a head in some kind of time incidentally. The person of the age that spent the childhood period all over the wartime may be the case that is the desolate scenery. For the person who caught the life in a farm village and the fishing village of the heart of a mountain, it is animals that it melts into Nature and survives and may be scenery of the awfully severe situation. As for those most, there is often living environment of the childhood period at the root./私たち友達は皆それぞれが大人の年齢に達しています。そして私たち大人は、ときには最も古く印象に残っている風景やイメージが夢になってみたりします。近頃の私などはふっと何かの拍子に頭を過ぎることが時々あります。戦時中に幼少期を過ごした年齢の者は、その荒涼とした風景である場合かもしれない。山奥の農村や漁村に生を受けた者にとっては、それは大自然に溶け込んで生き抜く動物たちだったり、とてつもなく厳しい状況の風景かもしれない。それらの多くは幼少期の生活環境が根本にある場合が多い。

到(連)是象完全過去實際存在風景一樣的心情做了。可是,比那個都比什麼都(好)也是這個寓言我的印象風景本身。我個人的僅僅的想法和覺得方法好久地想起了帶來大的影響的幼稚而拙劣的年幼的時候為心抱的純粹的心的事。我也純粹的時期啊是與痰的等,簡直象別人的事一樣。/I revived with feelings of the nostalgia.
I did it until the mind that was the scenery that existed totally in the past. However, this fable is my image scenery itself above all than it. Was the immaturity that had a big influence on the way of thinking and I individual's way of feeling of the things; when was young, remembered the pure heart that had towards a heart for a long time. That there was the time when I was pure; in a circle like other people's affairs./懐かしさの感情を伴って蘇りました。

Yan Dora Wong。謝謝漂亮的寓言。把這個中文翻譯成英語,試著抓取故事的筋對過幾天,沉浸了在像我的心的奧有原首次的風景一樣的心情裡。今天也謝謝。比朋友給朋友。/Yan Dora Wong. Thank you for a clean fable. Translate this Chinese into English, and catch the muscle of the story, and is going to take it; soaked itself in a feeling such as the scenery of the genesis in the depths of my feeling soon. Thank you today. Than a friend to a friend./Yan Dora Wong。きれいな寓話をありがとう。この中国語を英語に翻訳して、物語の筋を掴み取ろうとしてみたりしているそのうちに、私の心の奥にある原初の風景のような気分に浸りました。今日もありがとう。友達より友達へ。



人,好像有在無意識各自的原首次的風景實際存在的風景上(裡)找到的情況。據說或者我們不管連誰也全部今天第一次看那個人各自舉行眷戀之情的感情經驗deja vu。/Even nets checked the charm of this fable:
It is reliable that the scenery of the genesis may hold a case and strong sentiment to be accompanied by unpleasant feelings depending on breeding of the person. In addition, the scenery of the genesis is often idealized and is said to change so that person oneself is convenient.

Besides, in the case of the scenery of the genesis that a fable arouses, it is natural that the image varies according to a personal unit. It may be scenery of the genesis for the person raised in a city. Or it may be the scene of county town and the downtown area for a certain person.

The person seems to have possibilities to find the scenery of each genesis in scenery to exist unconsciously. Though everybody sees all us for the first time at this time, person each holds feelings of the nostalgia and seems to experience deja vu./この寓話の魅力について、ネットなどでも調べてみた:



>>Yan Dora Wong
昨日 7:30 ·

