琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

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2016年06月21日 06時24分04秒 | 日記
【20年的回憶】。【繼續20年的】。【想20年後留下東西】/[memory of 20 years]. [what I continue for 20 years].[the thing which I want to leave]/【20年の思い出】。 【20年間続けていること】。【20年後に残したいもの】





20年前的那個當時也是那樣。我,悲傷的同時磨了非常令人懊悔的思 薯。那個是我的20年令人懊悔的回憶。




「核兵器の使用」横畠裕介・内閣法制局長官の答弁記録3 18参院・予算委員会


沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記
2016年5月8日 05:00
沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記
2016年5月8日(日)5時0分配信 琉球新報
沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記






memory of 20 years]. [what I continue for 20 years].[the thing which I want to leave]/ 【20年的回憶】。【繼續20年的】。【想20年後留下東西】/20年の思い出】。 【20年間続けていること】。【20年後に残したいもの】

[memory of 20 years].
"The United States civilian employee case protest Okinawa rally" for "a Ryukyuan woman rape murder case" by "former soldier of the U.S. forces" that was held on yesterday's June 19. The media news to continue from this yesterday conceals an essential big problem. A series of media news conceals an essential big problem to be connected directly with "living-in-offing United States forces base withdrawal and all living-in-offing Self-Defense Forces base removal" called "the issue of Okinawa nuclear secret agreement and the issue of Ryukyu independence".

I remember that I had a phenomenon same as this time before 20 years at the media news becoming the dwarfness to such a "woman rape murder case of 1 simple U.S. soldier". As well as 20 years ago, it is dwarfish to "a criminal case problem" in the essence of the Okinawa problem that should be "a political issue". And words of the apology for the victim girl who was the protest rally meeting place 20 years ago. The person who apologized for "the soul of the victim woman killed by former U.S. forces soldier" had even nobody among the speakers that it was installed in this protest rally meeting place on the dais. In other words, the reason why this they apologize for "the soul of the victim woman" is that them oneself will admit that it was a lie that, in fact, they apologized 20 years ago. Therefore they did not apologize for "the soul of the victim woman". The fact supports that this meeting was performed for the purpose of them self-protection of them oneself than "the soul of the victim woman" this time. They that own income is all or part of the tax as "the duties" that it has top priority "to protect life and the human rights of inhabitants" on the dais. Such a manner that such they showed abandons they original duties mission. This phenomenon is impossible unless posture and they of the modern media person and others which I totally described by the above confer on the bidding. For example, Governor Okinawa of all people in charge that a thing tax is a salary more than 1 million yen a year as his occupation in "politicians" now 20 years ago. It is very so for the Okinawa governor, anyway he does not promise that "I let you remove all US bases in Okinawa" for "the soul of the victim woman", too. It was only "an extremity of the deep regret" and the word "radical review of the Japan-U.S. Status-of-Forces Agreement" and "withdrawal, rearranging reduction only for the Marine Corps of the U.S. forces where only only 70% of all US bases which existed in Ryukyu Okinawa existed" that there was in words given from his mouth. In other words, the ordinary words called "words of the apology that a boyfriend of the Governor of Okinawa should be going to meet "the soul of the victim woman" and words of all US base removal" were not included.

See it objectively, and he is also buried in Japan and the United States governments like media and administrator oneself of they Ryukyu Okinawa for self-protection in the group of the group guessing; "they make the political issue that is the essence of the Okinawa problem the dwarfness in a simple criminal case problem, and replace it secretly".

The political posture of such Okinawa governor became clear among me. And, this "civilian employee case protest Okinawa rally in the United States," I think it to be very sad for the soul of the victim woman.

It was so in that time 20 years ago. Is very annoyed at the same time as I grieve; thought. It is the regrettable memory of my 20 years.

The issue of Okinawa nuclear secret agreement that was the focus of the political issue of Okinawa at that time. The solution was able to be an opportunity of the U.S. forces withdrawal in those days. The Ryukyu Okinawa society where there was the situation that it still gave life to an idea of the international order and justice called "Japan, a right or wrong nuclear three principle and the Constitution of Japan" at that time, and people could apply the idea and system to freely 20 years ago.

However, it is in this year when 47 years passed from the Okinawa nucleus secret agreement in case of Okinawa return negotiations carried out in 1969, and Secretary Legislative Bureau of the Japanese Government performs statement in such Diet and brags:

"The Japanese Government respects the three non-nuclear principles of the national policy, but the Constitution of Japan does not forbid the use of the nuclear weapon"

「核兵器の使用」横畠裕介・内閣法制局長官の答弁記録3 18参院・予算委員会

The Japanese Government cannot change it only into the policy of "the respect for three non-nuclear principles" as this Japanese national policy despite iridescent color how. From the striking distance of the minimum official announcement of such a Japanese Government, the U.S. Government is this year and shows such a disgusting manner:

"The agreement document including the nuclear weapon carrier to Okinawa is engraved into an American history book". Thus, the Okinawa nuclear secret agreement brags as if it is not "a secret agreement" anymore anymore and says.
沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記
2016年5月8日 05:00
沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記
2016年5月8日(日)5時0分配信 琉球新報
沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記

Now when the trick of such shameless Japan and the United States governments swirls. And it is like that if I toss a difference with the Okinawa society at the time of now and that 20 years ago and mention it with a word objectively:

The suspicious current Japan-U.S. situation to stray to run on "the way of the former military and government affairs, imperialism revival in Japan" judging from a conclusion. It suppresses the current Ryukyu Okinawa society where people cannot insist on legitimacy of the law order freely and continues persecuting it. The fair claim of the citizen is the actual situation of the Ryukyu Okinawa society with the big difference in free those days and now. In other words, an idea of the Constitution of Japan and the justice called the judiciary has disappeared with the essence of the Okinawa problem being concealed"

Even if straight light desired is left clearly for Ryukyu Okinawa where Japanese Government is made to stand to a cuttlefish in the situation that Japan must adhere rigidly only to the three non-nuclear principles. "Japan and the United States both governments which deceived you while threatening Ryukyu Okinawa inhabitants" which should have been the person concerned. "Japan and the United States governments which seduced inhabitants of Ryukyu Okinawa." "Japan and the United States governments which deceived Ryukyu Okinawa inhabitants." Japan and the United States governments which isolated "Ryukyu Okinawa inhabitants to outside a mosquito net" forcibly which should have been the person concerned. The Okinawa nucleus secret agreement by Japan and the United States governments where back secret agreement was tied up to by the negotiating directly, neglecting the middle of the Ryukyuan at the time in secret. The Ryukyu Okinawa inhabitants who should have been the person concerned who was to be forced such illegal Okinawa nuclear secret agreement on despite having known nobody to a cuttlefish. Judging from international Declaration of the Rights of Man and international order and law, the Okinawa nuclear secret agreement is invalid. Japan and the United States governments should cancel it by oneself. The three non-nuclear principles feeling relieved even as such an iridescent color as for we inhabitants who are Ryukyu Okinawa inhabitants, and living judging from the fact.
There is responsibility to let you discard this illegal Okinawa nuclear secret agreement in both Japan and the United States to an adult of we Ryukyu Okinawa. For the future when Ryukyu Okinawa for the next generation is peaceful.

[what I continue for 20 years]
The U.S. forces cannot bring a nuclear weapon into Okinawa by insisting on the use of the idea of the law in Japan. U.S. forces oneself withdraws like the former New Zealand or Philippines, and it is sure to lose a US base from Okinawa. In addition, it should be that there is never it that the case like this time happens because the U.S. forces soldier disappears if it can happen.
In other words, a US base being removed. And it is taken measures of the maximum of the U.S. forces-involved case and accident prevention against it. And I who am having the regrettable thought as one human being. We family continues "the storehouse removal neighborhood protest movement for exclusive use of the nuclear weapon" that there is in the Okinawa Island that will become certain for "all US base removal of Okinawa" as really personal activity from those days to today. An idea and the three non-nuclear principles of the law on a shield. It is what it continues for my 20 years.

[the thing which I want to leave]
It is the other day. The photograph of the picture which was titled saying "I pray", and was drawn became the newspaper article. It is said that the picture was chosen as a choice at "Okinawa peace museum". It was one of Ryukyu Okinawa hometown and a school girl of a certain twelfth grader to have drawn the picture. I was glued to the newspaper article which the photograph of the picture was placed in. The fence of the US base was drawn on the other side of the fingertip of the both hands which it became the brilliant joining hands, and were drawn. I read words of "the thought" of the high school girl of the author loaded the picture with again many times and was impressed. It was written in the newspaper in this way:
"This fence is torn sometime and, through the present conditions, wants you to connect in the peaceful future". I am equal strangely that myself want to leave the thought 20 years later./

【20年の思い出】。 【20年間続けていること】。【20年後に残したいもの】/memory of 20 years]. [what I continue for 20 years].[the thing which I want to leave]/ 【20年的回憶】。【繼續20年的】。【想20年後留下東西】





20年前のあの当時もそうでした。私は、悲しむと同時にとても悔しい思 いもした。それが私の20年の悔しい思い出です。




「核兵器の使用」横畠裕介・内閣法制局長官の答弁記録3 18参院・予算委員会



沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記
2016年5月8日 05:00
沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記
2016年5月8日(日)5時0分配信 琉球新報
沖縄への核持ち込みは「権利」 米が歴史書に明記




日本国内の法の理念の行使を主張することによって、米軍が沖縄に核兵器を持ち込めなくなる。そのことが、かつてのニュージーランドやフィリピンなどのように米軍自らが 撤退し、沖縄からも米軍基地がなくなることは確実である。また、そうなれば米軍兵士もいなくなるのだから、今回のような事件も起こることは二度とないことになるはずだ。


