臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。


2010-03-07 | Script

It was a great day for George, for the first time ever, he was going camping.
It was also a great day for Hundley, because well, George was going camping,
and that meant George wouldn't be around to mess up his lobby.

Okay, you keep track of everything we pass, so we don't get lost,
and I'll watch the compass, so we know which direction we're walking.

The first rule of camping is, always pick a good campsite.
Alright. These stakes will anchor our tent.
Can you put them in the ground?
I put a mallet in your pack. A good camper must be ready for anything.

We'll build a fire at a safe distance from the tent.
You gather some dead-wood off the ground, okay?

Good-job, George. Okay, stand back.

George's wood made a perfect fire, perfect for staying warm, and perfect for cooking marshmallows.

The next morning George emerged from the tent ready for anything.
Well, anything but,
Time to go home, George.

I don't know when we'll camp again, but soon.
I promise. Soon.

An expert camper was always ready.
No, George.

So for the next week George wore his backpack, all the time, everywhere.

No, George. Soon.
But, "soon" never came.

Poor George, I don't know when I will be able to take him camping again.
Gee. I haven't gone camping in years.
Hey, maybe that's what Hundley and I should do on our next day-off "camp"! And George can come, too.
Oh, that would be great!
George, would you like to go camping with Hundley?

As an expert camper, George was happy to show Hundley some of his tools.
But knowing that George had a hammer, only made Hundley nervous.

Forget your compass, George. The auto-navigator will guide us.

This should be as good a spot as any since we've got the trailer.

George couldn't find their tent anywhere.

Pretty cushy, huh?
Oh, you won't need that pack. We've got everything right here.

Hundley wondered if anyone ever vacuumed this place.
And were those ants on his paws?

...plus TV and microwave, all powered by a rooftop solar-panel.
Carpet this was more like it.

Important to keep the campsite clean.
Why don't you two enjoy the outdoors while I make supper?

As an expert camper, George knew that he had to gather fire-wood.
As a lobby dog Hundley knew that he had to keep everything orderly and dignified.

How odd? George was sure he'd gathered more than that?

We don't need fire-wood, George. I have a microwave oven.

Hundley thought either someone just took his picture, or that was lightning, which meant... rain.
Of course, Hundley had seen rain before, but city sidewalks never turned soft and gooey.
To Hundley all this nature was just not natural.

Oops. Don't worry, we're protected in here.
Oh, what? Without power, I can't close the hatch.
Well, I doubt that much water will get in anyway.

They didn't know how long it had rained, because the clock in the trailer'd stopped working.
Until now, Hundley thought only George could make a mess this big.

I left the top-down. The rain ruined the auto-navigator. It's too dark to find our way home without it, but we can't stay in that soggy trailer, either.

It did seem hopeless.
George wondered what an expert camper would do.

Not a bad lean-to, George. But all of our sleeping-bags are soaked.
As an expert camper, George did know one-thing had enough to dry them.

If you're thinking about building a fire with that, we can't. We need dry-wood for that.

Using the lighter in George's pack the doorman was able to start a warm fire, but without electricity he was unable to open the can.
Then George remembered something else that campers do. They cook food on sticks.
In the end, they all had a very satisfying meal,
and got a good night's sleep, even Hundley.

Oh, boy! I can't remember which way to go.
They found their way using a monkey navigation system.
Left it is.
George, you saved our trip. If you ever wanna go camping again, just say the word.

So for the next week, George wore his backpack all the time, everywhere.
And they all went camping together again, but this time Hundley chose the campsite.

