臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou Flies On A Plane

2012-01-22 | Script
Are you two strapped into your seats and ready for takeoff?
It's story time!
Look at Caillou! He's ready for takeoff, too.
Because today's story is called, "Caillou flies on a plane."

Caillou was going on vacation with his family,
and this was the first time he'd ever been on a plane.
There you go!
Caillou was curious about everything.
Leave that alone, Caillou. We'll be taking off very soon. Just sit back, please!
Are you two behaving yourselves?
Mommy, you have to sit back!

The plane was taking off.
Caillou loved looking out of the window with disappearing ground below.
Those little white things are houses, Caillou.
Daddy, are we there yet?
No, not yet.
Would you like some breakfast?
Breakfast? Yes!
Caillou had never had breakfast on a plane before.

After breakfast, Caillou's daddy was listening to some music.
Caillou was very curious about how it worked.

Good morning, young man!
Are you enjoying flight?
Say hello to the pilot, Caillou!
Would you both like to come and see how I fly the plane?
Oh, yes!
We'd love to! Thank you very much.

Welcome to the flight deck.
This is Caillou.
Hi, Caillou!
Wow! Daddy, what's that?
Those are clouds, Caillou.
Really? Wow!
Are we in the clouds now?
I like being in the clouds.
We'll be landing soon, so you have to go back to your seats.
Oh, I almost forgot. All our junior pilots get one of these.
Caillou was very excited to have the special pilot's badge.

Pretty soon, the plane was landing at the airport.

Oh, we're on the ground!

Thank you for flying with us today.

I hope you have a wonderful vacation, Caillou.
And I hope we'll see you again when it's time you'll fly home.

