臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou and a Big Slide

2014-05-11 | Script
It was a beautiful summer day and Caillou's mommy was taking him to play school.
What are you doing, Caillou?
I'm climbing up a mountain and sliding down again.
Oh, that's very adventure of you.
You must be very brave.
I am. Swish!
Well, Mr. Mountain climber, here we are!

Good morning. Are you ready for our trip to the pool, Caillou?
I'll see you later. Have fun!
I will! Bye, Mommy.
Caillou was very excited about going swimming.
It was his favourite thing to do on the hot day.

Red light that means stop.
Very good, Caillou!
Green light, now we can go.
That's right! Everyone, follow me.

Race you to the swings!
Caillou liked to swing up as high as the birds.
All right, everyone. It's time to go swimming.
Yeah. I love swimming!

Look, Caillou, a water slide!
This is Mary, our lifeguard. She'll be helping us out today.
Make sure you listen to her, and do what she tells you to do.

This'll be fun! Yeah.
Guess what I am?
A fish!
Right! Come on, let's go on the slide!
Caillou thought the slide looked a little scary.
Your turn, Clementine.
You next, Leo!
Now Caillou, off you go!
That was so fun. I wanna go again.
Caillou thought it looked like a very long way down to the bottom.
He wasn't so sure he wanted to slide down at all.
Caillou, it's okay if you don't want to slide down. Just climb down the ladder again.
Have you ever been on a water slide before?
It can be a bit scary up there the first time, but you might like it if you give it a try.
You know I used to be afraid to go on the swings.
Ah-ha. I didn't like the idea swinging up so high.
I like swinging really high.
Yes, I know.
I saw how much fun you and Leo are having.
I like the swings, too, once I tried them, so maybe you'll like the water slide if you give it a try. What do you say?
Caillou was still a little bit afraid, but he really wanted to give the water slide another try.
You're doing great, Caillou. It'll be worth to the climb. You'll see.
As Caillou went up to the ladder, he imagined he was climbing a huge mountain.

Here I go!
Yey! I did it!
Yes, you did it! And did you like it?

Guess what I am?
I've got lots of arms.
An octopus!
Right! Let's go down the slide again!

I can go down a million times!
I can go down a million, billion times!

Hi, Mommy. I was afraid to go on a water slide today but Ms. Martin told me a mountain ......
Caillou told his mommy all about the big water slide.
So I pretended I was climbing up a big mountain, and I wasn't afraid after that.
Just like you were doing in the car this morning. That's my brave little mountain climber.
And now I can do it a million, billion, gazillion times!

