臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou Goes Shopping

2014-09-28 | Script
Today Caillou was acting very silly. He was trying to make his little sister laugh.
He was doing a very good job.
Look at this, Rosie!
Caillou silly.
You are certainly acting the clown today, Caillou.

Hi, Sammy, catch!

Caillou fanny.
I'm going to draw you a picture, Rosie. A picture of a clown.
What a good idea!
First I need the red crayon for his red nose.
Red nose!
But Caillou was having a trouble finding the red crayon. Where could it have gone?
I can't find the red.
Let me look!
Caillou, Red!
Thanks, Rosie. Look, Mommy. Look how small it is!
Yes. You've almost used it all up! All of your crayons are looking rather worn down.
I think you need some new crayons. Let's take a trip to the store!
Yeah! We can get lots and lots and lots of colors.
Red too?
Yes, Rosie. Especially red.

Mommy, are we going to but anything else at the store?
Yes, Caillou. We need a few things. We need toilet paper, light bulbs, new socks for Rosie....
And crayons.
And crayons. Do you think you can help me out by remembering what we need to buy?
I can remember. Toilet paper Ummm.
Light bulbs, socks for Rosie, and crayons.
Toilet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie, crayons.
Caillou thought about the list very hard so (that) he wouldn't forget anything.
Sometimes if you turn a list into a song, it'll help you remember.
A song? Umm. "Toilet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie, crayons."
That's right!
"Toilet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie, crayons."
Very silly!

Off we go! Okay, Caillou. Can you remember our shopping list?
Caillou thought very hard. Then he remembered the little song (that) he made up.
Toilet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie, crayons.
Very good, Caillou!
Toilet paper's first.
Toilet paper!
Look, Mommy. Light bulbs.
Socks for Rosie.
Pretty flowers!
Well, I think we're all done shopping.
No, we still need to find the crayons.
Oh that's right. I'm glad you here to remind me, Caillou.
Crayons! We're all done!
Caillou was disappointed they found everything on their shopping list.
He wanted to look for more things.
Look, Mommy! It's Sarah.
Hi, Sarah!
Hi, Caillou!
Are you buying crayons?
I am. I'm starting school this week and I need to get all these things.
Wow! That's a lot! Can I help you find them? I'm good at shopping.
Can I help Sarah, Mommy?
All right.

One red pen.
Found one!
One eraser.
Umm. Got it!
One ruler.

There's one.
Five note books.
I've got them!

Soon they had found everything on Sarah's list.
All done! Thanks, Caillou!
You found all those things very quickly. Well done! [Now we'd better be getting home.]
Rosie, where did you put your new socks?
There they are!

When I go to school like Sarah, I'm going to need notebooks and pencils, and erasers and lots and lots stuff.
That's right, Caillou. We'll go back to the store for all your school supplies when you are old enough for school.
Rosie! Now Rosie is being a clown, Mommy.

