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インドネシア サーフトリップ記念開催
サーフ ゴルフ ライフのブログ
since aug 2010

Lakey Sunset

2010-08-30 | 日記
Todays Lakey little bigger than yasterday.
2-3feet wave come again & new swell come soon.

Tomorrow is last surf at Sumbawa.
Im still having fun tank you Lakey & Love.

Todays Special

2010-08-25 | 旅行
Swells up yesterday,4-5feet waves comming!
I surfd at lakeyperk and periscope.

Periscope was so clean 3-4feet tubes punping.
I was useing 6.2 yasterday too it,s so serious.

But I ciuld get some goodwaves.

Today,Swell is down,2-3 sometime 4feet...

But not so bad!

Todays Lakey perk

2010-08-23 | 旅行
Lakey wether was cludy rainy partly sunny at morning until yesterday.
But thismorning was beautiful!!!
Very clean condision!
Wave is 2-4feet comming.
I got some tubes of left&right.
My feel so great!!
No wind today all time and still punping now !!!

Tank you masa4.


2010-08-21 | 旅行
yatto net ni tunagemasita
tomatteru hotel no net ha koware
4daisika Lakeyni netga
arimasen kaisenmoosoku blogno kousinnha
muzukasiidesu gennkini tanosinndemasu
sinnpaisinaide daijyoubu

namiha mainiti 2_4feet perfect

serakan sinkenken (daijyoubu)
