欧州の核兵器と言えば、イタリア海軍で運用されていたというポラリスSLBMの顛末を知りたいところなんだが、それはともかくTIME Feb 8, 2010 にSecret Nukesという記事で欧州に未だ展開されている米軍の核兵器について取り上げている。
The truth is, Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands store nuclear bombs on their air-force bases and have planes capable of delivering them. とありThere are an estimated 200 B-61 thermonuclear gravity bombs scattered across these four countries. と続けている。
で、Recent U.S.-Russia bilateral negotiations to reduce long-range weapons did not cover B-61s in Europe.
The truth is, Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands store nuclear bombs on their air-force bases and have planes capable of delivering them. とありThere are an estimated 200 B-61 thermonuclear gravity bombs scattered across these four countries. と続けている。
で、Recent U.S.-Russia bilateral negotiations to reduce long-range weapons did not cover B-61s in Europe.