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Prayer for "touhoku" Japan

2014-03-11 09:30:23 | Weblog

Prayer for "touhoku" Japan

The terrible news coming out of "touhoku" Japan was almost too much to take in Words fail

when we saw the scenes of destruction and suffering,both mental and physical,

shown on television and in the newspapers,

I continually ask myself what can I do, so far away?

When I am asked “What can we do?”,

I reply “Help me out for one minutes every day.”

Just one minutes on the hour once a day is fine.

All I ask is that you direct your thoughts and prayers

towards those areas in Japan struck by the devastation,

towards all those people who have become victims of the earthquake and "tsunami",

towards the relief efforts that are being undertaken in appalling conditions especially

on the site of the nuclear power plant disaster.

We are urged to avoid the catastrophic radioactive contamination by all means.

Call to mind the images you have seen, and concentrate the strength of your mind

filled with compassion towards them.

Individuals have different rhythms in their lives,

and people around the world live in different time zones.

But if everyone, wherever they are,

can direct their thoughts and prayers to "touhoku" Japan on the hour,

wherever they are in the world, then twenty-four times a day a wave of compassion

and sympathy will flow gently towards "touhoku" Japan.

This means that there are twenty-four chances everyday to join your prayer

with others around the world.

Join us just once a day, in whatever form of prayer you like,

and direct your thoughts to "touhoku" Japan.

Many people think that prayer alone has no power.

Yet prayer is not powerless.

If people around the world join their prayers and thoughts together

twenty-four times a day,

a great force will be brought into play.





