ひじきごはんを食べましょう(sorry, this blog is UNDER CONSTRUCTION←おー


I confess what I do while this trip

2005-08-22 19:00:29 | Weblog
yeah, it's the worst condision on internet circumstance. not about pc's spec,(it's the best) most expensive among this 3 days' Hotels. Japan level.

OK, 20 minutes left. according to today's title, I confess.

what do I do while this trip?
of course, sightviewing. or talking with other tourist of the pack.

BUT!! most important thing for me is finding KAWAE-NE-CHAN....!!!!!
guffffffffffff....I'll show all of you my beyond dark side....

check points:1. face: is she cute?
2. tits: neither too big or too small? and beautiful shape?
3. hips: the bigger, the better. not loose.
4. legs: neither too fat or too borny. like BANBI's legs.

.......all right, I am the worst kind of the person like junior high-school students(male). as soon as I find so cute girl, I'll enter the SWEET DREAM WORLD....!!!!!

oh, 5 minutes left. what should I do?

...for example, Here is a chinese counter girl next by me now(because there is PC in the counter), she is very nice. It's all of OK.

.....time up. bye bye. ....never forgive me, Ladies & Gentlemen.
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