


2009年11月17日 22時57分44秒 | 映画
The movie '2012' has been shown on Nov. 21st in Japan.
When I was young, I often went to the movie theater.
But recently I only watch rental DVD or TV cinema program.

In the film of Roland Emmerich 'The Day After Tomorrow' is so so good movie.
But I don't like 'Stargate' and 'Independence Day'.
I hope that '2012' is interesting movie.

I knew that yuanfen is a Buddhist-related Chinese concept that means the predetermined principle that dictates a person's relationships and encounters.
I hope that we have a good relationship for a long time.
Maybe we can meet together soon.

I climbed up the low mountain on Sunday, which was sunny day.
There were beautiful autumn color of leaves at the bottom of the mountain.

Today it is rainy and cold.
It will be low temperature like winter the day after tomorrow.
It is remarkable year.

