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優婆塞の八法   Yubu Fortress's Eight Laws

2023-03-01 16:07:29 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words

お釈迦さまは、「而も法次法向に随順して知らざる、是れ則ち具せざるなり」とおっしゃって おられますが、法次とは法に近づくことで、法向とは法を追及することです。ですから、仏さま や沙門の法話を聞き、観察・工夫しても常に法に近づき、法を追及しようとする努力がないなら ば満足な優婆塞とはいえない、ということです。

満足な優婆塞となるための条件を最初から挙げると、まず第一が信、そして順番に戒、 施、聞、 持、 観法次、 法向と全部で八つあります。 これを、「優婆塞の八法」と呼びます。












The Buddha says, "I don't know in order to the law, and I'm not going to give it a rule." To pursue. Therefore, it is not a satisfying Yuba block if you listen to the Buddha and Shamon's tale, observe and devise, and always approach the law and try to pursue the law.

The first thing to be a satisfying Yubutsu fortress is that there are eight things from the beginning, and the first is the religion, the commandments, listening, hearing, kinji, and so on. This is called the "Yubu Fortress's Eight Law".

When each meaning is a bullet, it looks like:





・ Financially observed and devised the deep meaning of the teaching method ... Create the heart of religion with the right wisdom.

・ The commandments of closely observing and devising the deep meaning of the teaching methods ... based on the heart of trust, separating what is good and bad, and doing it as a Buddhist.

・ Stop to observe and devise the deep meaning of the teaching methods, and actively do what you have to do.

・ Do the gourd to the virtue

・ Go to the dojo (Seisha) and hear the story of Buddha and Saemon

・ Pick and execute the contents of the preaching you have heard

・ Hoji ... approaching the law

・ Law ... pursue the law

Will be.


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