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2024-03-25 19:42:45 | タブレットPC



1. "仏陀の修行法とクンダリニー・ヨーガ:異なる道の一致"
2. "仏陀とクンダリニー・ヨーガ:気道の秘密を解き明かす"
3. "仏教とヨーガの融合:内なる力の探求"




"そして、仏陀の気道法は、クンダリニー・ヨーガの不足を補うものだ。" 彼は続けた。"クンダリニー・ヨーガの気道は三つある。"



"そして、修行が順調に進むと、クンダリニーはサハスラーラ・チャクラに到達し、修行が完成する。しかし、ここまで到達できる修行者は稀だ。" 彼は考え込んだ。"尾骨から延髄への経路は明瞭だが、延髄から先の経路は不明だ。"

"仏陀がクンダリニー・ヨーガを禁じた理由は、過激で不安定、不確実だからだ。仏陀は完璧な成仏法を授けたのだ。" 彼は静かに語り終えた。








わたくしが、仏陀を、クンダリニー・ヨーガの完成者であると断定するのは、こ 点からである。
さきにあげたミラクルの池の伝説や、雑阿含経に説かれる仏陀の奇蹟- 上半身から火を出し、下半身から水を出すという奇蹟は、このピンガラとイダーを使ってのエネルギー放射なのである。この奇蹟は、クンダリニー・ヨーガ完成者独特のものなのだ。




Of course, not all Taoist airway laws are the same as Buddha's airway laws.
It was said that he accepted the Buddhist airway law and developed it into something unique to Taoism.
Is. The prototype is in the Buddha, and it can be traced back to the Buddha. and
It also involves Kundalini Yoga at the same time.
It is extremely difficult to know the practice of the Buddhahood Buddhahood. That's very
It is only scattered in Agama, and it can be said that it is almost impossible.
However, the practice of Kundalini yoga and Taoism is the practice of the Buddha in Agama.

If you practice it in contrast to it, there are things that naturally come to mind as male sins.
To. And as I gained more experience, refined, and practiced, suddenly with a flash of light.
There is something that shows the shape.
I aspired to Buddhism at the age of thirty, and since then I have continued to seek the Buddhahood method of Buddhahood.
Forty years later, I was finally able to recover from this and be convinced that I had mastered it.
And at that moment, I took it. This law is the earth that is about to be destroyed
That it was the ultimate savior's law to save.

The perfect Buddha airway

By the way, in the previous section, the law of the Buddha's airway is Kundalini Yoga.
He said that it supplemented the inadequate part of the law.
What does that mean?
There are three airways in Kundalini Yoga.



Top secret breathing method "


Let's go

One is the Sushmuner tube and the other two are the Pingala and Eider airways.
The central airway is the Sschmuner's canal. This is the tail bone, as I mentioned earlier.
It starts from and reaches the medulla oblongata.
When Kundalini awakens with the power of a special idea, the energy is explosive.
Ascend the Sschmuner's canal to the medulla oblongata. At the same time, Kundalini is Pingala, Ida's
Ascends the airways and acts as a kundalini energy regulator and other ancillary function.
The pingala on the right side of the spinal cord is called the airway of the sun and is the airway that controls heat.
The ider on the left, called the lunar airway, controls the flow of cold air. If you accidentally pingara
When Kundalini wakes up, he has a tremendous body that is completely out of control from the outside.
In the worst case, the practitioner will literally turn black and burn to death because of the internal heat.
It is said that there is.
Gopi Krishna, the author of Kundalini, is in danger of himself because of this mistake.
It describes the experience of being able to survive the death.
It is this that I conclude that the Buddha is the perfector of Kundalini Yoga.

From the point.
The legend of the miracle pond mentioned earlier and the miracle of the Buddha explained by Samsung-the upper body?
The miracle of putting out fire and water from the lower half of the body is done using this Pingara and Ida.
It is energy radiation. This miracle is unique to the Kundalini Yoga completer
Now, as Kundalini awakens and the energy moves up and down the airway smoothly, Osamu
When the line goes smoothly, the Kundalini reaches the Sahaslara chakra, where the training begins.
Complete. (However, practitioners who can reach this point are rare in ancient times.)
Thus, the kundalini reaches from the caudal bone to the medulla oblongata and then rises further.
And finally, it's supposed to reach the top of the Sahaslara chakra.
However, it is clear what the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara is.
It is not.
The spinal column runs from the tail bone to the medulla oblongata, so it's a straight road.
I'm sorry. However, what is the route from the medulla oblongata to Sahaslara?

I did not let the Buddha use Kundalini Yoga earlier for his disciples.
It's because it's too radical, but it wasn't the only thing.
The Kundalini Yoga chakra development method was unstable and uncertain.
The Buddha created the perfect Buddhahood method and taught it to his disciples.
Buddha's practice is still going on





Buddha Japan journal
Send Japanese Buddhism


"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."


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