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4月8日はお釈迦様のお誕生日です April 8th is Buddha's birthday

2023-03-29 18:29:59 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words






Buddha was born as a prince of the Shaka tribe in a city in the northeastern part of India (now Nepal) more than 2,500 years ago.
Buddha was born near the Muyugi tree in Lumbini Gardens while his mother was on her way back to her parents' house to give birth.
The Buddhacharita sutra states, ``When Buddha was born, the heavens and earth vibrated in six ways, flowers of various colors bloomed all over the earth, and rains of nectar poured down from the sky.'' Therefore, on the birthday of Buddha, a hall (hanamido) decorated with flowers was prepared, and a statue of the Buddha of birth, pointing to the sky with the right hand and pointing to the ground with the left hand, was enshrined, and amacha was poured over the Buddha of birth. to celebrate.
Buddha's real name is Gautama Siddhartha, and after his awakening, he came to be called Shakyamuni or Shakyamuni, meaning "Buddha from the Shaka clan."
Now, how can Buddha be freed from the suffering of birth, old age, sickness, and death that humans have been born with since childhood? After agonizing over this, he left the castle, abandoned his status as a prince, entered the Forest of Asceticism, and challenged all kinds of asceticism for six years in hopes of breaking free from his karma.
The reason why I desperately practiced asceticism was that in India at the time, the mainstream thought was that the mind was suffering because it had a body, and that the only way to free the mind was to separate the body from the mind. Siddhartha followed suit and tried to separate the mind from the body through penance to free the mind.
However, the more I hurt my body, the more my mind weakened, my heart weakened, and my willpower waned. Realizing that the body and mind are not separate but one, the Buddha escaped from the forest of asceticism, purified himself with the pure water of the Nirenzen River, and ate milk porridge offered by a girl named Sujata. After recovering his physical strength, he meditated for a week under the nearby Bodhi tree, and finally attained enlightenment.
A simple explanation of Buddha's awakening is, "The world we live in is originally suffering, and human beings are beings who collect that suffering. However, people do not realize this, and it is natural for them to live happily. If you want to be happy and live in peace, first put yourself aside and wish for the happiness of those around you. By doing so, self-obsession will naturally fade from your heart, your desires will weaken, the power of your mind to remove anxiety and fear will increase, and you will be able to attain peace of mind.
Be sure to visit the temple during the flower festival

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