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守護仏とはどういう仏か? What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?

2023-06-05 13:08:37 | タブレットPC








Buddhist relics are sacred relics in temples and Buddhist temples of great importance to Buddhists. Butsushari generally refers to the remains or relics of Shakyamuni Buddha, or parts thereof.

After Shakyamuni Buddha passed away, his bones were broken into small pieces and many Buddha ashes were made. These Buddha relics were distributed in different regions and enshrined in many temples to spread the teachings of Buddhism.

Buddha relics are treasured as objects of faith, and Buddhists pay respect to them. In temples and Buddhist temples, special reliquary halls are built to store the relics of the Buddha, and devotees visit and hold memorial services there. In addition, Buddhist relics are sometimes donated or donated to obtain merit in the Buddhist faith.

Buddha's ashes are considered important not only as a symbol of faith, but also as part of the history and tradition of Buddhism. Some Buddhist relics have historical and artistic value, and are also valued as works of art.

Buddhist reliquary is a sacred existence for believers and is valued as an object of faith. They serve as emotional support for many people as they concretely represent the teachings and values of Buddhism.


The Buddha, which is the absolute object of faith in that sect, is called the 'honzon'. The principal image of the Agon sect is the "Shinjinshari", which has been deeply revered by Buddhists since ancient times as a sacred object in which the Holy Spirit of Shakyamuni resides.
In the Agon sect, this is called "Shinsei Bussharison".
For Buddhists, the Gautama Buddha, which is the sacred bones of Buddha, is the “living Buddha” itself, and is the only and highest principal image of Buddha in Buddhism.
It is not an imaginary or conceptual Buddha, nor a wooden or iconographic Buddha, but the sacred bones of Shakyamuni who actually existed as Buddha, and is the supreme principal image of Buddhism.




密教では、シャカの御遺骨、御遺身を「変化法身の釈迦」といって、生身のシャカ の本体とするのである。 遺骨、御身が生きているシャカの本体なのである。





この名前は、涅槃の智慧を、天(雷) のような法音をもって衆生にさとらせる仏という意味で、つまりシャカの説いた教法を、仏として表現したのである。



第二重のシャカは、胎蔵界マンダラ釈迦院のシャカで、これが、生身のシャカの本体とされる。本尊としてえがかれているのが、如来、如来舌など、生身のシャカの ゆいにつ御遺骨、御身である。

第三重のシャカは、ボードガヤの菩提樹の下でさとりをひらかれ、仏陀になられた説いている教義と関係なく、突然、仏舎利の霊験功徳が飛び出してきたりする。思う に、これは、その霊験功徳の偉大さに感激して思わずそういうかたちでほとばしり出 たものとみてよいのではなかろうか。


経論のほかに、奇蹟的な体験談もかず多く残されている。 それを集めたら、それだ




「宝悉地成仏陀羅尼経』唐・不空訳 (抄)


「あらゆる人々と如来とは、ともに法において平等に法身である。 ところが多く

の衆生は妄執にとらわれて、相依相関に依る縁起の世界を、実存の世界と誤り考えてしまう。そのために、常に、地獄・餓鬼・畜生・阿修羅・・天の六のい ずれかの、貧しく賤しい家に生まれ、法に親しむ善き友には近づかず、真理を説 智慧ある人には親しまず、悪い行いを犯して迷いの世界に漂流し、さとりを得られず、永遠に迷いの世界を脱することができないのである。



これを、法身駄都如意宝珠甘露薬王金剛精進 常住真如宝王太郎という。 末法のこの世界の人々が、仏舎利の一粒を手に入れて信仰し奉持するならば、 その人こそ本当の仏の弟子である。 なぜならば、この舎利は法身釈迦牟尼如来の 常住不変の本体だからである。

そのようにして仏舎利を持し信仰してこの大宝陀羅尼を一心に唱えれば、大 なる智慧を得て、すべてに巧みなる菩薩となることができるであろう。 また、人が、この真言をとなえ、仏性を求めて仏舎利を礼拝すれば、妊戒・盗・大妄語戒を破る四重罪と、五逆罪、仏法を誹謗した越三昧耶の罪な


貧乏や病気に苦しみ、あるいはさまざまな不運不幸に見舞われて、地獄のよう絶望の世界をさまよう者は、前世における悪い行為を懺悔し、仏法僧の三もしも仏舎利を得たら、その浄穢を論ぜず、そのまま一心に礼拝供養せよ。 そして心の底から仏の徳を念じてやまなければ、その身そのままに仏の清浄心を得て、金剛頂に住するであろう。この人を、仏身を持する者、金剛(のさとり)をれである。


持するもの、宝法を持する者というのである。すなわちこの人こそ大菩薩摩訶 なのである。


天界に住む神々と、僧侶、在家の仏教徒は、仏舎利を得たら七つの宝でできて いる瓶に盛り、これを都城の内なる道地において、七宝でできている塔を建立し 仏舎利を供養するならば、生きとし生ける一切衆生に大いなる功徳をもたら し、三界に生存する三有の苦しみを離脱し、涅槃の安楽にいたらせるであろう。 仏舎利を供養するということは、まさに生ける仏を供養することなのである。


利を守護仏とおよびするのである。守護仏とは、仏舎利のことなのである。 それは当然のことで、仏教の始祖たる仏陀シャカこそ、すべての仏教徒の一心の祈 りにこたえて、救いの手をさしのべてくださる守護仏なのである。



さて、わたくしは、さきの章で、密教が、盛大な仏舎利信仰をマンダラにとり入れ たとのべたが、密教が仏舎利信仰をとり入れたのは、マンダラだけではなかったので ある。


「駄都法」 「如意宝珠法」と名づける、密教において最極最奥とされる深秘の法がそ



Mie Buddha.





In esoteric Buddhism, Shaka's bones and body are called ``Shakyamuni's body of transmutation,'' and are regarded as the body of the living Shaka. Remains, you are the body of the living Shaka.

Esoteric Buddhism is the best in articulating and symbolizing the essence of Buddha, and it preaches that there are three types of Shaka. This is called "Mie no Shaka"

The first layer, Shaka, is one of the four Buddhas enshrined in the Womb Realm Mandala Chudai.

It is enshrined under the name Koraionbutsu.


This name means a Buddha who awakens the wisdom of Nirvana to sentient beings with a dharma sound like heaven (thunder), in other words, it expresses the Dharma taught by Shaka as a Buddha.

It is also known as the Buddha of the Self.


The second Shaka is the Shaka of the Womb Realm Mandala Shaka-in Temple, which is considered to be the main body of the Shaka in the flesh. The main object of worship is the remains of a living Shaka, such as Nyorai and Nyoraitongue, which are related to him.

The third-level shaka is enlightened under the bodhi tree of Bodgaya and becomes a Buddha. In my opinion, it is possible to regard this as something that burst out involuntarily in such a way as a result of being deeply moved by the greatness of the miraculous merit.


In addition to his treatises, there are also many accounts of his miraculous experiences. Collect it and that's it

A large number of books can be completed in just one.

Let's list one or two representative sutras from among them.


"Treasure of the Land of Buddha Dharani Sutra" Translated by Tang Fuku (excerpt)

At that time, the Buddha said to the great bodhisattvas, such as Kongote Kokuzo, as follows.

“Both all people and Tathagatas are equal Dharma Bodies in the Dharma.

The sentient beings are obsessed with delusions and mistakenly think of the world of dependent origination, which depends on interdependence, as the world of existence. For this reason, one must always be born into a poor and humble family in one of the six realms of Heaven: Hell, Hungry Ghosts, Beasts, Asuras, etc., and stay away from good friends who are familiar with the Dharma, and away from those who preach the truth and are wise. , committing bad deeds and drifting into a world of delusion, unable to attain enlightenment, and forever unable to escape from the world of delusion.

In order to bring these people to enlightenment, I will preach Daihodara.


This is called Hoshindato Nyoi Hoju Honeydew Medicine King Kongo Shojin Joju Shinnyohou Taro. If people in this world of the Latter Day of the Dharma acquire a piece of Buddha's ashes and believe in it and hold it, that person is a true disciple of the Buddha. This is because this reliquary is the eternal and unchanging body of the Dhamma Shakyamuni Tathagata.

If you hold the sarira in this way, believe in it, and chant this Great Hodharani with all your heart, you will gain great wisdom and become a bodhisattva who is adept at all things. In addition, if a person recites this mantra and worships the Buddha's ashes in pursuit of the Buddha nature, he will commit the four serious offenses of violating the precepts of pregnancy, theft, and blasphemy, the five treasonous offenses, and the crime of slandering Buddhism.

May all felonies be extinguished, and all good wishes fulfilled.

Those who suffer from poverty and illness, or suffer from various misfortunes, and wander in a hellish world of despair, should repent of their bad deeds in their previous lives, and discuss the purification of the Buddha's ashes. Instead, let us devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the worship service. And if one does not cease to meditate on the Buddha's virtue from the bottom of one's heart, one will acquire the Buddha's pure mind and live at the top of Vajra. This person is the one who has the body of Buddha, the vajra (no satori).


Those who have it, those who have the treasure law. In other words, this person is the Great Bodhisattva Maka.

"Great Prairie Nirvana Sutra" Translated by Wakana Tang

When the gods, monks, and lay Buddhists who live in the heavens obtain the Buddha's ashes, they place them in jars made of the Seven Treasures, and build a pagoda made of seven treasures in the inner road of the city to place the Buddha's ashes. If it is offered, it will bring great merit to all living beings, free them from the suffering of the three beings living in the three worlds, and bring them to the comfort of nirvana. To hold a memorial service for the relics of the Buddha is to hold a memorial service for the living Buddha.

Based on these sutras and the miraculous miracles that I myself have experienced, I am able to

Tori is regarded as a guardian buddha. Guardian Buddha is the relic of Buddha. It is only natural that Buddha Shaka, the founder of Buddhism, is the guardian Buddha who answers the single-minded prayers of all Buddhists and extends a helping hand.

Esoteric Buddhism's deepest secret method-

- "Datoho" "Nyoihojuho"

Now, in the previous chapter, I said that Esoteric Buddhism incorporated the great worship of Buddhist relics into mandalas.

It was incorporated into the most important rituals of esoteric Buddhism.

The most profound and most secret method of esoteric Buddhism, called “Dadoho” and “Nyoihojuho”

In other words, they adopted the miraculous merits obtained by Indian Buddhists as training.

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