1 ムーラーダーラーチャクラ
2 闘いのホルモン、英雄ホルモンを湧出させる副腎の部位である。
Why do chakras generate special powers that can be called superhuman?
For a long time, it was a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, that mystery has become.
The location of the chakras all coincide with the endocrine glands.
A kundalini yoga expert stabs the place with the power gained through special training
It is fierce and produces power that ordinary humans do not have. The endocrine gland is the source.
If this is compared with the endocrine glands by modern medicine, it will be as shown in Table 1 (page 73).
However, it was classified by me, and there is a big difference from the contrast classification of Western yoga leaders (and people of that lineage). I believe this is more correct because of my training experience, or, as Mr. Leadbeater says, differences in physique and constitution by race and ethnicity.
It may be due to. In his book, there are some differences in chakra size, color, position, shape, etc., depending on the color, white, oriental, western race, and race, and even the same race and race. It is said that individual differences can be seen. I think it's true.
Chagra function
The chakra is located in the same place as the endocrine glands that secrete hormones, and it is a place where the amazing power of hormones is expressed.
Then, what kind of power does each chakra exert?
Here's what I'll tell you as the secret of Kundalini Yoga.
1 Mueller Darler Chakra
The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this chakra, your physical strength will increase abnormally and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. It does not accept any illness and becomes a Kenza work itself. Those who are sick will recover from their bad points. When the energy is activated by concentrating the control bow j∃Q on this chakra, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are ten years younger than their actual age.
Instead, it will have strong libido and fertility, so it also uses a method of converting that innocence into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.
2 It is the part of the adrenal gland where the fighting hormone and hero hormone are released.
When this chakra was awakened and Yufurugi was activated, he became more energetic and brave.
As a result, they will be able to take positive and bold actions. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be confused by anything, be fearless, have an immovable belief, and don't be afraid of any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.
3. Manipula chakra (nerby chakra)
The mystery of yoga, "Yoga Sutra," says:
By applying a control to the umbilicus, it is possible to know the tissues in the body.
About this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda
The navel ring is not the actual navel hole, but the mysterious wheel-shaped part that is supposed to be around it, and it is said that it has 16 caps. According to one theory, it is the third manipula chakra from the bottom of the six chakras explained in later Hatter Yoga. In any case, the part that is visible to the naked eye
It is said that it belongs to the ghost body. The umbilical ring is in the center of the gas (life energy or siliguri rest), so if you control it, you can see the tissues inside the body.
It is explained that this is a little different.
The doctor is said to be "a mysterious place that can be imagined around that", but this part is by no means a fantasy place. It has great power, which seems to be mysterious, but it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is medically the "solar plexus" named Solar Plexus. Also called the celiac plexus or visceral artery plexus, it is a large plexus of sympathetic nerves at the origin of the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the celiac artery. The name comes from the fact that it is located on the back of the stomach and sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.
That is, the nerves that come out of this area are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile ducts, eggs, adrenal glands, intestines, etc. In addition, this nerve plexus is a collection of large and small visceral nerves, vagus nerves, twelfth thoracic ganglion, first lumbar ganglion, etc., and is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve.
Until now, chakras have only been considered as fantasy and mysterious places. These parts are by no means such things, and as I mentioned earlier, they are deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, they are very important places from a medical point of view. It is a place where you can play an important role.
"By applying a system, you can know the tissues in your body," but this system is a special concentration that has undergone special training. Knowing this organization means not only knowing it, but also being able to control it freely. If you really concentrate on this umbilical ring, this "solar plexus"
Internal organs belonging to-it can control everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, spleen, spleen, adrenal glands, and intestines as you wish. These internal organs
However, it immediately knows what kind of condition it is in, and if there is any abnormality, it immediately returns to normal. Training of such power is training of this umbilical ring.
Also, because it has the power to freely control not only one's own body but also the body of another person, it can immediately heal a person's illness.
4, Anahata chakra
It is the part of the thymus, heart, and lungs.
By embodying this chakra, a remarkable amplification of sensory organs can be seen.
With ultimate power, you can see invisible light (infrared rays, ultraviolet rays) and listen to ultrasonic waves.
Can be As a result, it becomes possible to predict natural disasters.
It is due to the combination of extrasensory perception and high intelligence. They are their own
It comes from the ability to control the body at will. It is a combination with the Manipoo chakra.
5, Vishudda Chiyatara
It is the part of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
Amplification of sensory organs is done toward a higher dimension.
You will be able to interact with the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
In addition, it is excellent that you can see things that are incomprehensible or incomprehensible to you.
You can hear from it assimilated into the soul and wisdom. In other words, even if a person's body is unraveled, the intelligence of the person's mind remains in this space, so if it becomes the same as the vibration of that mind in this chakra, that mind will have it. Everything that was there, consciousness and intelligence, assimilated with me and became my own
That is.
In other words, it means opening the way for transportation to the spirit world (four-dimensional world).
It is.
6. Ajunya chakra
It is the part of the subbrain body. Has extremely developed intelligence.
Touch your eyes once. What I have heard is a memory that I will never forget.
No matter how complex the structure or organization, instantly analyze, reason, understand, and book
The power of induction and the bond of performance that grasps the quality.
Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
Ultimately, the four virtues of "Joraku Gajo" in Buddhism will be completed and the sensibility of the Buddha will be reached.
7. Hustler Ra Chakra
It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.
When this is embodied, the awakening of the Buddha is reached. That is, the completion of spirituality.
This chakra is called "the light in the head" (called the moment when this chakra awakens, because the light appears in this part and shines brightly.
