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きみは21世紀には生き残れるか?  Can You Survive In The 21st Century?

2020-05-08 11:31:44 | 今日の金言 格言





















In the 21st century, the world will undergo an amazing transformation. It's an amazing transformation that can't be imagined.

Everyone thinks that yesterday's continuation is today, and that today's continuation has tomorrow. I think that it will continue forever without change.

Until now, that was exactly the case. But it will be different from now on.

A deep fault opens in the river yesterday and today, and an irreversible crack runs between today and tomorrow.

Why does that happen?

First, there is a problem of global resources that is being eaten up with tremendous force. This causes serious economic friction and changes in the industrial structure on a global scale. When the rivalry between nations is heightened, and the race and religion are involved, the world will rush into catastrophe.

Next, science and technology progressing at an eye-opening speed-especially advances in electronic devices

Is. This creates disparities and paragraphs that are tremendous for society. Many people fail to adapt and fall. The class difference due to ability increases. Among those who seem to have adapted, there are many who lose their humanity and fall from their personalities to crimes or to the bottom society. Both the country and society will not be able to bear the burden, and there will be a risk of bankruptcy.

Let's make a point.

The 21st century is a world formed by electronics that have been extremely developed (if the world still exists today) and have amazing performance, and humans with excellent spiritual sensitivity. Only those who have excellent spiritual sensitivity will be able to maintain and develop this world by making full use of the most advanced electronics. Other than that, we have no choice but to scrutinize the bottom society.

It can be said that the spiritual sensitivity is high. It is a high sensitivity, intelligence and virtue beyond humanity.

It is the existence that has A machine-developed world, likewise, can only be controlled and governed by a human who is extremely developed. It will be an era where you can push the button to explode the whole world, and pull one key to manipulate more than 100 million brains as you want.

Are you ready?

The era has already begun.

Put yourself in the highest spiritual world possible and always experience pure spiritual vibrations.

You must be prepared for it.


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