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健康法  3

2020-06-10 17:40:47 | 健康

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ities to supercomputers近未来  MITの小さな人工脳チップがモバイルデバイスにスパコン並みの能力をもたらす可能性

2020-06-10 17:36:08 | デジタルニュース


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Possibility that MIT's small artificial brain chip will bring supercomputer-like capabilities to mobile devices

New coronavirus
Event cancellation/postponement

New Coronavirus Infectious Disease (COVID-19) Related Update Summary

Researchers at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have published a paper on a new type of artificial brain synapse (MIT paper). Performance is improved compared to the existing version. You can physically combine tens of thousands of units on a chip that is smaller than a piece of confetti. Despite being small and energy efficient, it will help to create devices that can handle complex AI computing locally without connecting to a data center.

The research team created a "memristor (next-generation non-volatile memory)." This is a simulation of the brain synapse using silicon, but the structure also used an alloy of silver and copper. The result is a chip that can be "memorized" and reminded of an image over and over again in great detail. It provided sharper and more detailed "memory" images than other types of brain circuit simulations that appeared earlier.

The team's ultimate goal is to artificially reproduce large, complex neural networks. It's currently based on software that requires significant GPU computing power, but will make it available as dedicated hardware for small devices such as cell phones and cameras.

Conventional transistors can only switch between two states, 0 and 1. This forms the basis of modern computers. Memister is very similar to the original analog computer, the brain, in that it also uses intermediate values. In addition, since the state can be “remembered”, the same signal can be easily reproduced many times for the same received current.

What the researchers did here was borrow from the concept of metal engineering. When a metal engineer wants to change the properties of one metal, he develops an alloy in combination with another metal that has the desired properties. Similarly, they discovered an element that could be combined with the silver used for the memristor's positive electrode to consistently and reliably transfer ions even in very thin conduction channels.

This enabled the creation of ultra-small chips consisting of tens of thousands of memristors. Not only can you reliably reproduce the image from the "memory", you can also perform inference tasks such as improving small details and blurring the original image. It has higher performance than the memristors developed by previous scientists.

Still a while to go, the project team's ultimate suggestion is a portable artificial brain computer that can perform extremely complex tasks with the power of today's supercomputers in an environment with no network connections and minimal power. It means that there is a possibility of developing into.
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2020-06-10 13:38:31 | 瞑想

イーロン マスクは第三の脳を必要生をとき、AIを共生が必要だと言っています。
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Anyone who has four steps leading to liberation will be Buddha 解脱に至る四つの階梯 人は誰でもBuddha成る

2020-06-10 11:28:33 | 運命学




 だれでも、解説に至るためには、この四つの段階を経なければならない。そ してこの四つの階梯を、すぐれた聖師にしたがって歩んでいくならば、だれでも 解脱に到達できるのである。もちろん、あなたにしてもそのとおりだ。



一、srota apanna 須陀オン

二、sakrd agamin        斯陀含

三、anaga msn    阿那含

四、arhat      阿羅漢     B uddha  仏陀




須陀逼 -きよめられた聖者














 大脳辺繰糸と新皮質脳を殺さなければ、間脳は作動せず、第三の目は開かな いのである。

 ただし、誤解してはいけない。大脳辺緑系・新皮質脳を殺すということは、 究極において、大脳辺緑系、ことに新皮質脳を生かすということなのである。新 皮質脳は「創造の座」であるといわれる。しかし、ほんとうの創造の座は間脳に あるのである。間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、

霊 感の座なのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピ レーションが発生するのである。

 ただし、間脳を開発するためには、しばらくの間、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を 閉ざさなければならないのである。間脳が開発されたとき、新皮質脳は新しく よみがえる。新しくよみがえった新皮質脳こそ、霊性を基盤とした超人的なイ ンスピレーションと創造力を持つ頭脳となるのである。






 釈尊が残した霊性完成の修行法がそれである。これを、わたくしは、「成仏 法」とよんでいる。成仏とは霊性を完成したことをいい、それを成就した人を


 くわしくは、『輪廻転生瞑想法』でのべたとおりであるが、それは七つのシ ステムと三十七種のカリキュラムから成る成仏のための方法と体系である。これ を、阿合経では「七科三十七道品」あるいは「三十七菩提分法」とよぷのであ る。この二つの名称は、わたくしが勝手につけたのではない。古来からの仏教用 語である。

 わたくしが、阿含経以外のお経―-法華経、阿弥陀経をはじめすべてのお経 をいささか激しい表現で批判するのは、阿含経以外のお経には、どの経典に

も、この成仏法がないからである。釈尊がじっさい説かれたのは阿合経だけで あるという歴史的な事実のほかに、阿含経以外には、この「成仏法」がないか ら、わたくしはそういうのである。「成仏法」のない経典など、わたくしは真実 の仏教経典と認めることはできないのである。もちろん、それなりの存在意義 なり存在価値はあろうが、本流ではない。傍流というべきである。このことに 関しては、わたくしの他の著書を読んでいただきたい。




四念住法トト身念仕法 受念住法 心念仕法 法念仕法

四正断法-断断法 修断法 随護断法 律儀断法

四神足法-欲神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法

五根法-信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法

五力法11信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法

七覚支法トト択法覚支法 精進覚文法 喜覚文法

      定覚文法 念覚支法

軽安覚文法 捨覚文法

八正道法-‐‐正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法  正念法 正定法










 神足とは、神通力(超能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然の神通力を得 るための四種の修行法である。前にのべたわたくしの練行tapasはこれに属する ものである。

 この七つの科目のうち、練行tapasを中心に、瞑想と実践の科目をとり入れて 修行するのである。どの科目をどうとり入れて、どのように訓練するかは、

聖師が決定ずる。修行者それぞれ、みな素質と因縁がちがうので、それを見 て、グルが決めるのである。





まず、間違いなく霊性を開顕したグルを見つけて、そのグルに受け入れても らうことである。それができたら、この修行は八分どおり成功したといっていい くらいである。それくらい重要なことであり、かつ、むずかしいということで ある。

 グルなくして、正しい霊性開顕の仏道修行は不可能である。ふつうの仏教信 心とはちがうのである。信心のしかたや、信仰のしかた、経典の講義や解釈を教 わるという程度のものならばとにかく、霊性開顕の仏道修行は、強力な霊的能力 を持つグルの助けなくしては、絶対といっていいほど、できないのである。

 たとえば、インド近代の聖者ラーマナーマハリシが、入門者に対して、「凝視 の方法」で受け入れの儀式をおこなったとき、彼の両眼の輝きと力が相手の心 をつらぬいて、その雑念の流れを断ち切ってしまったといわれる。ときとして は、まるで電流が身の内に流れ込んだように相手は感じたともれる。


Four steps leading to liberation

Now, I'm saying, "Four steps leading to liberation."

Everyone needs to go through these four steps to get to the explanation. And if we follow these four steps according to a good saint, anyone can reach liberation. Of course, you're right.

Then, let's talk about these four steps.

What are the four ladders?

One, Srota apanna Suda on

Second, sakrd agamin included

Three, anana msn including Ana

Four, arhat Arhan Buddha Buddha


To explain,

Suda逼-Cleaned Saint

The saints who are included in the station

Saints who leapt to the big dimension)

Arakhan: transcends the human dimension) and the completed saint, "Buddha".

Then, how do the practitioners walk on these four steps?

That's how the Buddhist curriculum of Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo is.
A "cleansed saint" must be cleansed not only internally as it is now, but also externally.
What that means is that you must also remove your own "spiritual injuries".
Spiritual injuries are hot stones of imperfect Buddhist spirits/disorders related to oneself. You have to get rid of all this.

If you have the improper Buddhist spirits and spiritual disabilities that are related to you, you will not be able to escape the effects of their devious personality and thoughts. What is even more frightening is that there is a strong possibility that these unfortunate beings will "repeat the fate" of the fate that they followed.

The "repeat of destiny" is nothing but the repetition of karma. This is the best
Is also scary. This is not limited to practitioners, but in the lives of ordinary people, there are many cases in which the life of a spiritually distressed Hotoke who has lived a tragic life is overturned.

Training to kill the limbic and neocortical brains

It is a practice to kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain in a bit.

If you do not kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain, the diencephalon will not work and the third eye will not open.

However, don't get me wrong. The killing of the cerebral meridian/neocortical brain is, in the ultimate sense, the utilization of the cerebral meridian, especially the neocortical brain. The new cortical brain is said to be the "creation seat." However, the real place of creation lies in the diencephalon. The diencephalon is a place of spirituality, as I have repeatedly explained,

It is an inspirational seat. When this is developed, it really brings inspiration.

However, in order to develop the diencephalon, it is necessary to close the limbic system and the neocortical brain for a while. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is reborn. The newly raised neocortical brain will be the brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.

Then what kind of training is it?

Method and system of spiritual completion

That is the practice method of complete spirituality left by Buddha. This is what I call the "seibutsu". Seibutsu means that the spirituality has been completed.

It is called "Buddha". That is why I call that method "seibutsu".

In more detail, as mentioned in "Reincarnation Meditation Method", it is a method and system for Buddhism that consists of seven systems and thirty-seven curricula. This is referred to as "Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo" or "Thirty-seven Bodhi-hobu" in Ai Sutra. These two names were not my own choice. It has been used for Buddhism since ancient times.

I suspect that all sutras, including Hokkei and Amitabha, are criticized with a bit of fierce expression except for Sutras.

This is because there is no law of this French. In addition to the historical fact that Buddha was the only one who was told that it was only Ai Sutra, I think that there is this "seibutsu" other than Akon Sutra. I can't admit that it is a true Buddhist scripture, such as a scripture without a "seibutsu". Of course, there is a certain sense of existence and value, but it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream. Regarding this, please read my other books.

The seventy-seven departments dojo is as follows.

Four Nemitsu Law, Toto, Mind Law, Mind Law, Mind Law

Four Positive Laws-Official Laws, Restorative Laws, Sustainable Laws, Laws of Law

The Four Gods Law-The Greeds God Law

Gone method-Shinne method, devoted root method, Nemone method, fixed root method, Keine method

Five-power method, 11-credit method, vegetative method, psychokinetic method, constant-power method, and vigorous method

Seven sense support method Toto choice support method

Quorum grammar, happostyle

Karuyasu grammar, Naruto grammar

Hachishodo---Masami-ho, Seiseki-ho, Orthodox-hoshoku, Seimei-ho, Shoshin-ho, Hoshin-ho

That is all.

This seven subject, thirty-seven curriculum,


Second, practice

The four-nine living method and the five root method are meditations.

The four positive cut method, the five force method, the seven sense grammar, and the eight positive method are practice and meditation.

The Shikamizoku method is a special training taPas.

God is the power of supernatural powers (supernatural powers), and the four types of training are the four methods of training to obtain supernatural powers of supernatural nature. The sticky tapes practiced in the previous section belongs to this category.

Among these seven subjects, we will focus on training tapas and practice meditation and practice subjects. Which subject to take and how to train

The Holy Master decides. Each practitioner has a different affiliation with their traits, and Guru decides upon it.

The gurus have a great role to play in this training. A little bit about the guru

Spiritual baptism

First, make sure you find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it. If we could do that, we could say that this training was successful in eight minutes. That's what is important and difficult.

It is impossible to practice Buddhism in the correct spirituality without Guru. It is different from ordinary Buddhism. Anyway, as long as it is a method of belief, a method of belief, or a lesson of teaching or interpreting a scripture, Buddhist practice of spiritual manifestation is absolutely necessary without the help of a guru who has a powerful spiritual ability. You can't do that.

For example, when modern Indian saint Rahmanah Maharishi performed an acceptance ritual to the introductory person by the "gaze method", the brilliance and power of his two eyes pierced the heart of the other person, It is said that the flow has been cut off. At times, the other party feels as if a current has flowed into them.
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七科三十七道品の成仏のカリキュラム  Curriculum of the Buddha of the Seventy-seven Departments

2020-06-10 11:24:15 | 瞑想





That's how the Buddhist curriculum of Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo is.
A “cleansed saint” must be cleansed not only internally as it is now, but also externally.
What it means is that you also have to remove your own "spiritual injuries."
Spiritual injuries refer to the improper Buddhist spirits and spiritual disabilities that have something to do with yourself. You have to get rid of all this.

If you have the improper Buddhist spirits and spiritual disabilities that are related to you, you cannot escape the effects of their devious personality and thoughts. What is even more frightening is that there is a strong possibility that these unfortunate beings will "repeat the fate" of the fate that they followed.

The "repeat of destiny" is nothing but the repetition of karma. This is the best
Is also scary. This is not limited to practitioners, but in the lives of ordinary people, there are many cases in which the life of a spiritually distressed Hotoke who has lived a tragic life is overturned.
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今日の運勢  6月10日  Today's Fortune June 10

2020-06-10 09:20:22 | 運命学

       恋人  Lover


望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。



Sanki Jupiter Day

A person with a desire comes to visit. Things that you can't think of happen. Good cause good fruit. The day when you should act in a spiritual way, with the grace of God, parents, society, sentient beings, and things. The good and evil of your actions for the past 9 days lead to unexpected good and bad.

Womb day
A day when disasters are likely to occur due to interpersonal relationships.
It is the day when people are deceived and betrayed.
Please be calm and cautious in your judgments, as if you are suspicious of abusive words or invitations.今日の運勢

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