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バーク枢機卿 聖なる啓示と聖書と聖伝に沿わない教皇を信者は拒絶すべし ←そだねー

2018-04-08 | アモリス・レティティア戦争

Cardinal Burke: “Faithful Must Reject a Heretical Pope” 

A pope who fails to act in conformity with Divine Revelation, Sacred Scripture and Tradition “must be rejected by the faithful” according to Cardinal Raymond Burke talking at the Roman conference Catholic Church, where are you going? (April 7).

It is to be supposed that the term "faithful" includes for Burke also cardinals and bishops.

According to the Catholic Register, Burke stressed that a pope’s authority is “not magical” but derives from his obedience to Christ.

Burke does not dispute that a pope can dispense with the law or interpret it, "but only for the purpose of serving its proper purpose and never to subvert it.”

