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2018-04-08 | アモリス・レティティア戦争

Francis Increases Confusion, “Beyond Tolerable” – Cardinal Burke

Cardinal Raymond Burke, 69, has stated that Pope Francis not only refuses to clarify problems with regard to marriage, the sacraments and intrinsically evil acts “but also increases the confusion”.

Talking to lanuovabq.it (April 5), Burke called Francis’ recent interview with Eugenio Scalfari, 93, “beyond the tolerable”.

For him it is “a source of profound scandal” that an atheist announces “in the name of the Pope” a revolution in the teaching of the Church by declaring that the Pope himself denies the immortality of the human soul and the existence of hell.

Burke calls the response of the Vatican “inadequate”,

“Instead of clearly restating the truth about the immortality of the human soul and of hell, the denial only said that certain words quoted are not of the Pope.”

Burke is “scandalized” by the fact that the Vatican press office declined to say that “the erroneous, even heretical ideas” of the interview are rejected by Francis.

Further, Burke condemned the “silence of many bishops and Cardinals”, Some “spread fantasies of a new Church, of a Church that takes a totally different direction from the past, imagining for example a ‘new paradigm’ for the Church”.


