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オプスデイ教皇との全面一致をついに公表 ←その選択は罪を容認しない他のお二方との矛盾を来たす あとは会員が一蓮托生で残るか離れるか選ぶだけ

2018-04-08 | 保守派(コンサバティブ)

Opus Dei vicar: We are fully united with the pope

NEW YORK - In a letter to the New York Times, the U.S. vicar of Opus Dei said that the personal prelature has no conflict with Pope Francis, but supports him and is united with his mission.

“From my perspective, I don’t see that there’s any conflict with the Holy Father. Love for the Holy Father is part of our DNA. We pray for him every day. We learn from him,” Msgr. Thomas Bohlin told CNA April 5.

He quoted Opus Dei’s founder, St. Josemaria Escriva, who used to say that Opus Dei had three great loves in the Church: “Christ, Mary, and the pope.”


