
katorikku jyohou

ビガーノ大司教 パラレルチャーチで攻めてきた

2020-06-12 | 保守派(コンサバティブ)

Incredible statement by Archbishop Vigano

(tradcatresist) Whilst the net buzzes with the Vigano/Trump tweets, Archbishop Vigano has since written a far more important tweet which will hardly find as much traction. Whilst the SSPX attempts to bring out its heavy hitters to deny the words of Bishop Tissier regarding the existence of a conciliar church, here we have the words spoken by Archbishop Vigano
"it is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ. This parallel church progressively obscured the divine institution founded by Our Lord in order to replace it with a spurious entity, corresponding to the desired universal religion that was first theorized by Masonry”
What is also important is that he rectifies the mistakes spoken by Bishop Athanasius Schneider in 'There is no divine positive.' The full text of his letter appears below.


