
katorikku jyohou

ビガーノ大司教 反第二バチカン公会議を表明 たばかられてたのに気づいたら黙ってはいられない、黙っていてはいけないと思うのもむべなるかな

2020-06-24 | 保守派(コンサバティブ)




Archbishop Viganò speaks of a “new church” that has been developed in the recent decades, a church that is “simply not the Church of Christ!”

He adds that “the post-conciliar, Modernist and Masonic church also aspires to transform, to overcome the Church of Christ, replacing it with a ‘neo-Church’, a deformed and monstrous creature that does not come from God.” 



I calmly confess that at that time I was too unconditionally obedient to the authorities of the Church. I think that many of us could not imagine then that the Hierarchy was unfaithful to the Church, as we see especially in the present Pontificate. With the election of Pope Francis, the mask of the conspirators was finally removed. Finally they freed themselves from the Philippine Benedict XVI, free to create the New Church, to replace the old Church with a Masonic substitute for both the form and substance of Catholicism. Democratization, synodality, female priests, pan-ecumenism, dialogue, demystification of the papacy, the politically correct, gender theory, sodomy, gay marriage, contraception, immigrationism,environmentalism - if in all these deviations we cannot recognize their roots in Vatican II, there will be no cure for them.

"Just as, sixty years ago, I honestly and serenely obeyed questionable orders, believing that they represented the kind voice of the Church, today, with the same serenity and honesty, I acknowledge that I have been deceived."  I cannot persevere in my mistake now


