
katorikku jyohou

5つの無効公会議 v2f1B15を異端と断じるビガノ大司教が止まらない。

2020-09-03 | 保守派(コンサバティブ)

The anti-councils were councils that entirely or in part deviated from the Catholic Faith. For this reason they were condemned and nullified as councils, either entirely or in part:

  1. Council of Ephesus (449), which Pope St. Leo the Great declared null and called the Latrocinium, or "Robber's Council"
  2. Quinisext Council in Trullo (692), which Pope Sergius I declared null
  3. Council of Hieria (754), which Pope Stephen II declared null in 769
  4. Council of Pisa (1511), which Pope Julius II declared null
  5. Council of Pistoia (1794), condemned by Pope Pius V

Like these false councils, Vigano sees the Vatican II Anti-council as schismatic and heretic. Moreover, he has charged Francis-Bergoglio with gross immoralities and Benedict-Ratzinger with heresy for his infamous “hermeneutic of reform and continuity,” the Newvaticanese double-talk describing a Modernist/Marxist revolution for Newchurch. 


