

Paper代写:Racism in America

2019-04-25 17:17:56 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Racism in America,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国种族主义问题。近年来,美国一些NFL球员在美国国歌响起时拒绝在球场上起立的争议引起了国内外的关注。球员们的这种行为是由对近年来该国出现的种族主义问题的抗议所引发的。对此,一些网友认为这是对国家的不尊重,谴责球员不热爱和尊重自己的国家。经过多轮辩论,这一争议成为美国最激烈的社会问题之一。事实上,这一争议反映出近年来美国社会日益分化和种族主义问题的严重性。

The controversy in the US in recent years, of some NFL players refusing to stand up in the court when the US National Anthem played, has raised attention both domestically and internationally. This behavior of the players was motivated by the protest against the emerging racism issues in the country in recent years. In response, some of the commentators on the Internet regard this action as a disrespect for the nation, condemning the players for not loving and respecting their country. multiple rounds of arguments have been passed, making this controversy one of the most heated social issues in the US. In fact, the controversy has reflected the increasingly polarized US society in recent years. People are being involved in political issues more than before, and forced to take side. The sports field is no exception (Campbell 26). In this essay, a brief history of the controversy will be introduced, followed by arguments from the two sides of the debate. Regarding the controversy, in the near future, I believe that the voices supporting the protesting players will be suppressed by the mainstream detestation.

The controversy started in August 2016, when NFL player Colin Kaepernick did not stand up for multiple times during the National Anthem (Powell). Kaepernick was also not raising his hand close to the chest, like the other players did. Instead, he sat on the bench in protest of the discrimination from the US society against Black Americans. Quoting from Kaepernick, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color (Clayton and Pat).” Such an action quickly drew attention and opposition from the public. Many people felt his way of protesting was an insult to the country and the people who died defending it. Some angry fans even burnt his uniform to demonstrate their rage (Powell). In response to the outrage, Kaepernick explained that his protesting meant no disrespect for the US soldiers, and he simply wanted to raise people’s attention to the social injustice that he experienced. Afterwards, Kaepernick changed from sitting to kneeling on one knee, to continue his protest. In September 2017, fans booed at him while he was kneeling, some arguing that he should be fired by the league for such disrespects. Kaepernick’s socks with pigs wearing police caps on them raised further controversies (Szczepanik). NAPO demanded him to apologize for this insult, but Kaepernick said he was only targeting the policemen who used violence against the black people. Despite the oppositions, Kaepernick received equal amount of support from his teammates. Megan Rapinoe, a member from the national soccer team of the US, also kneeled during the National Anthem on the 4th, September 2017 to show her support (Payne). Following the demonstration, President Donald Trump expressed his negative opinion on the issue, both in a speech and through Twitter. This further expanded the scale of the controversy, bringing more football players, and even NBA player, into the protest.

Among the two sides of the controversy, the protesting side is mainly composed of African American athletes. According to Kaepernick, the one who initiated the protest, his actions were merely in response to the increasing police violence that targeted the black race. In recent years, numerous incidences of police shootings have indeed created social disturbances in the US. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) campaign on social media platforms has become a central factor that drives the society into two directions of thinking (Thompson 459). While the black activists continue to expand their influence on social media, an emerging force appeared, that is mainly composed of Trump supporters. Under this social context, the motivation for Kaepernick’s action seems to be clarified. It was further claimed by Kaepernick, that the social injustice was adequate justification for him not to stand up. He condemnws the police to have “murdered” innocent lives and escaped from proper punishment. In other words, Kaepernick considered his action as an action art with a political pursuit.

Taking advantage of his identity of a public figure and athlete in the most popular sports game in the country, Kaepernick was hoping to generate more discussions over the issues of discrimination and police violence. However, it turned out that people focused more on the action itself afterwards, rather than the cause that he was protesting for. There is also an argument that freedom of speech should be applied with no exception, to the freedom of demonstration of political position. Kaepernick’s actions are not causing any physical harms, which means that there is no reason to forbid them (Hietalahti, et al. 252). As commented by Barack Obama, Kaepernick was merely "exercising his constitutional right to make a statement." The supporters of Kaepernick claim that his action of kneeling is not a disrespect for the soldiers who died for the country. On the contrary, thanks to these soldiers who defended their rights and freedom, they were able to protest freely and demonstrate their concerns on a very important social issue.

The opposition side of the controversy seems to have a larger crowd, composed of not only nationalism advocates, but also common fans and audience of the game. One of the dominant arguments is that kneeling is a disrespect for the country and the men who fought for it. The National Anthem serves as a symbol of unification, not division (Abril 77). Although Kaepernick has explained that he meant no disrespect, people seem to believe that the action itself already contains disrespect, no matter how the person justifies it with his motivations. From the nationalism perspective, the kneeling is almost intolerable. This argument is effective because it captures the kneeling action as the core of the problem and attacks this action alone. The opposition side further argues that Kaepernick’s kneeling was based purely on the interest of his own minority. Protesting on the field for such an issue seems to be a misplacement of anger. People simply feel that Kaepernick’s kneeling is inappropriate. Although his aim of supporting BLM is considered valid, the football field and the National Anthem may have little to do with these issues. Dragging sports into politics seems to be an unfavorable action for most Americans.

Over the decades, football has almost become a cultural symbol for the US, as the Americans like to enjoy their relaxing moments watching their favorite game undisturbed. NFL has also taken advantage of the popularity to further reinforce the status of football as a national sport (Montez de Oca 6). However, the controversy has completely ruined the experience of the audience. While they were able to focus on the game in the past, they are constantly disturbed by the idea of the protest now. This has become the main source of frustration on the opposite side of the protest. As mentioned above, Kaepernick did get the attention and discussion he wanted to raise, but not exact on the issue that he was aiming for. Public opinion can be difficult to predict and certainly difficult to manipulate. The action of Kaepernick is condemned to be not only disrespectful, but also ignorant, since he does not seem to know what he was doing. The cause and motivation do not matter, but the consequences do. Kaepernick’s actions have caused disturbances in the society, agitated debates between the polarized parties, and the NFL is paying the price.

With the controversy going out of control, the president of NFL Roger Goodell has asked all 32 owners of the NFL team to make sure that their players stand up for the National Anthem. According to Goodell, “the current dispute over the National Anthem is threatening to erode the unifying power of our game (Held).” This has to do with the dramatically dropping ratings of the game due to the controversy. The CBS’s September ratings has dropped to a historical low in seven years. The policy of the NFL in the player handbooks has changed accordingly, asking the players to strictly conform to the standing position, with helmets in their hands and facing the national flag. The voice of President Trump has also added more weight to the opposite side.

In conclusion, it is very likely that the kneeling protest will gradually disappear in the long term, as measures from the management levels take effect. However, in the short term, the protest is probably going to continue, since the controversy has grown much bigger than a single athlete already. Although the opposite side is winning, the protesting side would not give in easily, since the controversy has already correlated with their racial identity and social status. In reality, the kneeling protestors have underestimated the symbolic meaning of the National Anthem to the public, and involved the country’s favorite game with negative emotions and politics. Failing to establish the relevance between football and police violence, the protestor may have lost the point already. Pressure from the mainstream and the need to restore audience ratings will slowly overpower the protestors’ claims. Meanwhile, the debate between BLM activists and Trump supporters will continue in the polarize social context, largely unaffected by the National Anthem controversy.

Works Cited

Abril, Carlos R. "Functions of a National Anthem in Society and Education: A Sociocultural Perspective." Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, no. 172, 2007, pp. 69-87.

Campbell, James E. Polarized: Making Sense of a Divided America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2016.

Clayton, Andy, and Pat Leonard. "Athletes Sound Off on Kaep's Anthem Stand." New York Daily News, 2016.

Held, Amy. NFL's Roger Goodell Says Players 'should Stand' for National Anthem. NPR, Washington, 2017.

Hietalahti, Jarno, et al. "Insults, Humour and Freedom of Speech." French Cultural Studies, vol. 27, no. 3, 2016, pp. 245-255.

Montez de Oca, Jeffrey, Brandon Meyer, and Jeffrey Scholes. "Reaching the Kids: NFL Youth Marketing and Media." Popular Communication, vol. 14, no. 1, 2016, pp. 3-11.

Payne, Marissa. "U.S. Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Joins Colin Kaepernick in Kneeling during National Anthem." The Washington Post, 2016.

Powell, Michael. “Colin Kaepernick Finds His Voice”. New York Times Company, New York, 2016. Accessed from:

Szczepanik, Nick. "Kaepernick Gives no Quarter in Police Row: Officers Threaten to Boycott Games After 49er Wears Pig Socks in Protest at 'Murders', Writes Nick Szczepanik." Sunday Times, 2016.

Thompson, Debra. "An Exoneration of Black Rage." South Atlantic Quarterly, vol. 116, no. 3, 2017, pp. 457-481.


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