インドのアッサム地方の高地に自生するラン「パフィオペディルム・スピケアナム」Paphiopedilum spicerianum。岩の多い斜面や岩石の割れ目に自生するが、ときに樹木に着生することもあるという。緑が強くなく、白の花弁に紫のアクセントがある。パフィオとしては色使いがおとなしい感じの蘭だ。
(2022年冬 神代植物公園)
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Paphiopedilum spicerianum [Rchb.f]Pfitz. 1888 SUBGENUS Paphiopedilum SECTION Thiopetalum
Common Name Spicer's Paphiopedilum [English Officer in India 1800's] - In China Bai Qi Dou Lan
Flower Size to 3" [6 to 8 cm]
Found in the Assam region of India, the eastern Himalayas, Bhutan and Myanmar as well as Yunnan province of China on steep rocky slopes or in rock crevasses at elevations of 300 to 2000 meters as a hot to cool growing terrrestrial or sometimes lithophytic species with 5 oblong, clear, dull green leaves that are speckled purple on the outer surface towards the base and is from the that blooms from autumn through winter on an erect, 1 to successively and rarely 2, slender, purple, 9 to 16" [20 to 40 cm] long inflorescence with ovate, acute, greenish yellow with a maroon midvien abaxially, shorter than the ovary floral bracts and needs shade with no winter rest.
Synonyms Cordula spiceriana [Rchb.f] Rolfe 1912; *Cypripedium spicerianum Rchb.f 1879; Paphiopedilum spicerianum f. immaculatum Braem 1999