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Mugabe 大統領が主演・演出・脚本の喜劇 18

2008-07-14 20:29:29 | 時事ネタ(海外)
・Zimbabwe: Russia, China Veto UN Sanctions on Mugabe(2008年7月12日 allafrica.com)
(2008年7月?日 allafrica.com)

以下、allafrica.com から、米の国連常駐代表(?)こと Zalmay Khalilzad 氏のコメントを引用しておく。
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Speaking to UN correspondents after the vote on Friday, Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, launched an attack on South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki, charging him with "actions that appear to be protecting Mr Mugabe and to be working hand-in-glove with him at times."

Khalilzad added:
"While... Mugabe uses violent means to fragment and weaken the opposition, President Mbeki uses diplomacy in bringing factional leaders within the... opposition, to fragment the opposition by playing with the politics of the opposition."
However, he said the U.S. was "encouraged by the trends that we see inside South Africa.
I think he (Mbeki) is out of touch with the trends inside his own country."

Within the Security Council, Khalilzad accused Russia of reneging on the G8 statement on Zimbabwe which President Dmitry Medvedev signed up to earlier in the week.
In the statement, the world's major industrialized nations declared:
"We will take further steps, inter alia introducing financial and other measures against those individuals [in Zimbabwe] responsible for violence."

Khalilzad said that Russia's "U-turn... is particularly surprising and disturbing...
The Russian performance here today raises questions about its reliability as a G8 partner."
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これに対して、拒否権を発動した当の中国代表こと Wang Guangya(王光亚)氏もなかなか厳しい意見を述べていた。
以下、allafrica からその部分を引用しておく。
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China's representative, Wang Guangya, told journalists the resolution would have been "counter-productive" to African-led talks to resolve the crisis.
"We count on the efforts of the Africans," he said.
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Mugabe 大統領以上に無茶苦茶な政権運営をしてる国(あるのが不思議だ)にしてみれば、助かったってのが本心か?


で、拒否権発動による制裁案の否決について、ジンバブェ政府謹製新聞 The Herald が得意げに扱ってた。
・Zim thanks China, Russia for UN veto(2008年7月14日 The Herald;web魚拓)

以下、The Herald から情報省(?)大臣こと Cde Bright Matonga 氏の発言を引用しておく。
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"We are grateful to our all-weather friends, particularly China and Russia.
We thank them wholeheartedly for their continued support and for the work they have done before, during and after independence.
They continue to support us even during these difficult times," he said.
"We are very grateful for their support.

"As Zimbabweans, we now need to work together as a united front.
We have to put our house in order and be organised.
This is the time for nation building."

Cde Matonga said it was important for Zimbabweans to put their differences aside and join hands for the development of the country.

"We have to work together as a nation.
We must be united and disciplined.
We do not need to take our friends for granted by always putting them in difficult circumstances as they might fail to defend us next time," he said.

Cde Matonga acknowledged the support the country was receiving from Sadc and the African Union but noted that some African countries were being compromised by the budgetary support they receive from the West.
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この言葉を吐けた Matonga 氏の厚顔さには、ただただ驚くしかない。
Matonga 氏が心の底からそんな台詞を言ったとしたら、ある意味尊敬できるわ。

ま、この事態を短期的だけど収める為に一番良いのは、Mugabe 大統領に大統領の座を自ら降りてもらうことなんだけどさ。
少なくても、ジンバブェの経済を混乱させた責任は Mugabe 大統領にもあるわけだし。
この辺を AU 諸国も突っ込んでくれればいいんだろうけど・・・。


