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Food Bank NYC Challenge:mere entertainment(Apr 19, 2015)

2015-04-19 21:42:24 | 時事ネタ(海外)
何か知らんが、ハリウッド女優(・・・)のグウィネス・パルトロー(Gwyneth Kate PALTROW)さんが米国で支給される低所得家庭に支給されるフードスタンプの額(29ドル)で1週間過ごせるかという企画に挑戦したのだが・・・。
・グウィネス、「1週間29ドル生活」は4日でお手上げ(2015年4月18日 afpbb.com)

とりあえず、2015年4月18日分 afpbb.com『グウィネス~』を全文(略)

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【4月18日 AFP】
米国で低所得家庭に支給されるフードスタンプ(食料費補助クーポン:Snap)の1週間分、29ドル(約3500円)で食事をまかなうというチャリティー企画に挑戦したハリウッド女優のグウィネス・パルトロー(Gwyneth Paltrow、42)が、4日で音をあげた。

パルトローは、米ニューヨークで食事の無料提供を行っている貧困支援団体「フードバンク・フォー・ニューヨーク・シティ(Food Bank For New York City)」の資金作りと啓蒙活動の一環として、有名シェフのマリオ・バターリ(Mario Batali)氏からバトンを渡された。



ある投稿は、2014年に英ロックバンド「コールドプレイ(Coldplay)」のリードボーカルのクリス・マーティン(Chris Martin)と離婚した際の奇妙なコメントをやゆして「パルトローは、フードスタンプ週間と意識的なカップル解消をしたように見える」と皮肉った。

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参考までに、goop.com『MY $29 FOOD STAMP CHALLENGE~』から中盤部分を(略)

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After trying to complete this challenge (I would give myself a C-), I am even more outraged that there is still not equal pay in the workplace.
Sorry to go on a tangent, but many hardworking mothers are being asked to do the impossible: Feed their families on a budget which can only support food businesses that provide low-quality food.
The food system in our beautiful country needs to be subjected to a heavy revision—it is a cyclical problem, with repercussions that we all feel.
I’m not suggesting everyone eat organic food from some high horse in the sky.
I’m saying everyone should be able to afford fresh, real food.
And if women were paid an equal wage, families might have more of a choice in the grocery aisles, not to mention in the rest of their lives.

According to White House statistics, “Full-time women workers earnings are only about 77 percent of their male counterparts earnings. The pay gap is even greater for African-American and Latina women, with African-American women earning 64 cents and Latina women earning 56 cents for every dollar earned by a Caucasian man.”
This isn’t just unacceptable, this is reprehensible, and it is incumbent on all of us (hats off toPatricia Arquette) to do something about it.
And that means making it an issue that we all talk about. (Think you might not be receiving equal pay for equal work? Here are some resources for addressing it.)
The Clinton Foundation’s No Ceilings initiative is fighting for equality on a global level, while Moms Rising is another great organization that focuses on family issues, like equal pay, maternity and paternity leave, and affordable childcare.
They are currently rallying awareness and action around the Paycheck Fairness Act, something we all need to get behind.
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・Dear Gwyneth, this is what living on food stamps really looks like(2015年4月15日 theguardian.com)

上の記事でCapital Area Food Bank of Texasという食料配給を行う非営利団体に所属するキャシー・グリーン(Kathy GREEN)氏は、PALTROWさんが購入した食材がSnapを受け取ってる人達の実態に即してないと指摘していた。
参考までに、2015年4月15日分 theguardian.com『Dear Gwyneth~』から、のコメントの一部を(略)

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Too green

“I don’t know if what she bought is very representative of what they would normally buy,” Green said.

It’s not that Snap recipients don’t want to buy fresh produce and eat healthily.
The problem is that they can’t afford to.
At the beginning of the month, when the Snap recipients get their benefits, they are more likely to buy healthy food, “but as the month goes on and their benefits start depleting, they start to buy more processed food,” explained Green.

“Produce is wonderful, but in comparison to what they can get for their dollar, a lot of them turn to more shelf-stable processed food. A lot of times it’s processed food like ramen noodles, rice mixes, cereal – things like that that they know is going to fill them and their families up, and is going to be less expensive and is going to last longer.”

Fresh produce is one of the foods that low-income families try to get at a food pantry instead with their benefits.

“People on Snap are very judicious in terms of how they spend their benefits,” said Green.

But Paltrow did get one thing right – rice and beans are two of the products that many low-income Americans turn to.
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・Is Gwyneth Paltrow Still on Her $29-a-Week Food Bank Challenge? Actress Attends Pricey Dinner in Los Angeles(2015年4月15日 eonline.com)

以下、2015年4月15日分『Is Gwyneth Paltrow~』から前半部分を(略)

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Has Gwyneth Paltrow bowed out of the New York Food Bank Challenge early?

Shortly after revealing that she was going to rely on only $29 to feed her for seven days—because that's how much those on food stamps get per week—E! News learns that Paltrow attended a pricey dinner at famous Los Angeles restaurant Animal with rumored beau Brad Falchuk last night.

A source tells us Paltrow was there for the Austin Midnight Dinner, a promotional event for pal Jon Favreau's film Chef.
"It was a prefixed menu, and the tickets were $80," the insider tells E! News.
"Some of the items on the menu was various types of barbeque, potato salad and beans."
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