flagburner's blog(仮)


At last, what is "racial identity"?(Jun 20, 2015)

2015-06-20 21:43:49 | 時事ネタ(海外)

何か知らんが、米国の全米黒人地位向上協会(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People:NAACP)のワシントン州スポーケン支部長(長い)を務めてたレイチェル・ドレザル(Rachel Anne DOLEZAL)氏が辞任した。
・「自分は黒人だと思う」 米活動家、人種詐称疑惑に反論(2015年6月17日 afpbb.com)
・Controversial US activist Dolezal: 'I identify as black'(2015年6月16日 wesleywee.com;AFP)


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【6月17日 AFP】
実際は白人でありながらアフリカ系米国人になりすましていた疑惑が浮上した米公民権運動家のレイチェル・ドレザル(Rachel Dolezal)氏(37)が16日、「私は自分が黒人だと考えている」と語った。

ドレザル氏は騒動を受け、全米黒人地位向上協会(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People、NAACP)のワシントン(Washington)州スポーケン(Spokane)支部長を辞任していた。



だが、米FOXニュース(Fox News)に出演したドレザル氏の両親は、ドレザル氏が幼少期に自分のことを黒人だと考えているような兆候はなかったと否定。
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これだけだと情報不足なので、2015年6月16日分 wesleywee.com『Controversial US~』から、DOLEZAL氏の両親による発言部分を(略)

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– Relating to diversity –

In an interview with Fox News, Dolezal’s parents said their daughter had not shown signs of identifying as black from an early age.

“No, that is a fabrication, that’s false,” her mother Ruthanne said.

“Rachel is rejecting her biological family and she is also rejecting reality.”

The Dolezals, who adopted four black children and said they had multiple black friends, conceded that their daughter “was used to relating to people of diversity” and had always been attracted to the black community.

Dolezal had been “assimilated into the black culture and the African American community now for 20 years,” her father Larry said.

“All we can surmise is that somehow that identity has transferred from being part of a multi-ethnic family with our adopted children to somehow thinking she’s herself multi-ethnic.”

Her parents also weighed in on reports that Dolezal sued historically black Howard University in 2002 for racial discrimination because she was white.

“The way I recall it being reported back to us, when she walked in to finalize the registration a week or two before classes started, eyes were popping, jaws were dropping” her father said.

“They couldn’t believe they had awarded a full-ride scholarship to a white woman.”
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・NAACP Imposter Sued School Over Race Claims(2015年6月15日 thesmokinggun.com;当時の訴状つき)

参考までに、2015年6月15日分 thesmokinggun.com『NAACP Imposter Sued~』から中盤部分を(略)

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According to a Court of Appeals opinion, Dolezal's lawsuit “claimed discrimination based on race, pregnancy, family responsibilities and gender.”
She alleged that Smith and other school officials improperly blocked her appointment to a teaching assistant post, rejected her application for a post-graduate instructorship, and denied her scholarship aid while she was a student.

The court opinion also noted that Dolezal claimed that the university’s decision to remove some of her artworks from a February 2001 student exhibition was “motivated by a discriminatory purpose to favor African-American students over” her.

As detailed in the court opinion, Dolezal’s lawsuit contended that Howard was “permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult.”

Judge Zoe Bush dismissed Dolezal’s complaint in February 2004, 18 months after the lawsuit was filed and Dolezal was deposed on several occasions.
Bush found no evidence that Dolezal was discriminated on the basis of race or other factors.
The D.C. Court of Appeals subsequently affirmed Bush’s decision.
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・Rachel Dolezal draws ire of transracial adoptees(2015年6月17日 washingtonpost.com)
・The Real Meaning Of ‘Transracial’(2015年6月17日 thinkprogress.com)



