flagburner's blog(仮)


NGO monitor's sour grapes about EGC's order(Dec 26, 2012)

2012-12-26 20:54:08 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
2年前のことになるが、イスラエル政府の批判を行う団体の監視を行ってる NGO Monitor が EU に対し「補助金支出の詳細を示す」という裁判を 欧州連合司法裁判所(Court of Justice of the European Union:ECJ)の第一審裁判所(General Court:EGC)に起こしていた。
・Israeli watchdog sues EU over NGO funding(2010年1月20日 etaiwannews.com;AP)

これに関して、先月27日 EGC が判決を言い渡したのだが・・・。
・EU throws out NGO Monitor case, tells Gerald Steinberg to pick up the tab(2012年12月23日 972mag.com)

とりあえず、2012年12月23日分 972mag.com『EU throws out~』から、前半部分を(略

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Well, I’m happy to inform you that the court has thrown out the case, and Steinberg has been left with the bill. According to a ruling dated November 27, 2012 on the official website of the EU Court of Justice[引用者注1], Steinberg’s case against the EU has been thrown out, with Steinberg ordered to foot all legal costs.
The judges ruled, “The action is dismissed as, in part, manifestly inadmissible and, in part, manifestly lacking any foundation in law" and that “Mr. Gerald Steinberg shall bear his own costs and pay those incurred by the European Commission.”

At the January 2010 press conference[引用者注2], NGO Monitor said it filed the lawsuit at the European Court of Justice because the European Commission had failed to fulfill European Union transparency obligations after Steinberg & co tried for 13 months to secure documents on NGO funding decisions by the EC, the executive branch of the European Union.
The Europeans had passed on documents, but not enough to satisfy Steinberg and with some parts redacted.
Spokesman for the EU Delegation in Israel, David Kriss, said that “In line with the EU regulations on transparency, the European Commission has provided Prof. Steinberg with comprehensive information on the funding of projects in Israel and in the region. The extensive information at Prof. Steinberg’s disposal is proof of this.”
But it wasn’t enough, so he took the Commission to court.

・ORDER OF THE GENERAL COURT (Fifth Chamber): 27 November 2012 (2012年11月27日 curia.europa.eu)

・NGO Monitor turns to EU court for transparency(2010年1月21日 jpost.com)
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この裁判の前後に、イスラエルの議会で NGO に対する国外からの資金流入を規制する法案なんてのが議論されてたんだよな。
・イスラエルが挑む「3つめの脅威」(2010年7月?日 diplo.jp)
・Israel's War against NGO, human rights, etc...(Apr 25, 2012)(2012年4月25日 flagburner's blog(仮))


先月の判決で、自分達の主張を全部退けられた NGO Monitorは、一昨日になって負け惜しみ全開の声明を出していた。
・EU Court decision highlights EU’s impunity for non-transparency(2012年12月24日 ngo-monitor.org)

特に笑えるのが、アラブ少数民族人権保護協会(The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel:ADALAH)等イスラエル政府に批判的な姿勢を取る NOG に EU が行った資金支出を dis ってる部分。
以下、2012年12月24日分 ngo-monitor.org『U Court decision~』からその部分を(略

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NGO Monitor notes that EU funding, amounting to millions of euros annually, has gone to a small fringe of highly politicized groups, such as Adalah, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), Mossawa, Machsom Watch, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I), and Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI).
An EU protocol from 1999[引用者注3], which was separately leaked to the public, showed blatant and purposeful manipulation of Israeli democratic processes.

“In addition to violating basic principles of transparency in government, this secret funding for Israeli NGOs grossly infringes on and seeks to manipulate the Israeli democratic process,” said Steinberg.
“While NGO Monitor will continue to seek the relevant documents and protocols of meetings in order to provide the missing transparency and to ensure that checks and balances are applied, we note that the main point has been acknowledged by the proceedings. Members of European Parliament, European citizens, the media, and Israeli citizens whose lives are affected directly by this irresponsible practice are now very aware of the issues and their consequences.”

・Brussels, RELEX/F2/NK D(99) :NOTE TO THE FILE(1999年9月28日? ngo-monitor.org;.pdf)
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裁判結果に関する NGO Monitor の声明からは、「イスラエル政府を批判する団体を許せない」という姿勢が読み取れるんだよな。

NGO Monitor は、この件で ECJ に控訴する気があるんだろうか?


