flagburner's blog(仮)


If U're Muslim, do not celebrate the Christmas?(Dec 25, 2012)

2012-12-25 19:53:11 | 時事ネタ(海外)

このクリスマスに関して、オーストラリアに住んでるムスリムの人達に関する活動を行ってるレバノン・ムスリム協会(The Lebanese Moslems Association)が運営するモスクの facebook 公式アカウント上で、「クリスマスを祝うな」なんてメッセージが公開されてたのだが・・・。
・No merriness here: mosque puts fatwa on Christmas(2012年12月23日 smh.com.au)

なんせ、元ネタのメッセージが facebook 上から削除されてるもので・・・。
参考までに、2012年12月23日分 smh.com.au『No merriness here~』から、問題のメッセージについて触れてる部分を(略

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The head imam at Lakemba, Sheikh Yahya Safi, had told the congregation during prayers that they should not take part in anything to do with Christmas.

Samir Dandan, the president of the Lebanese Muslim Association, which oversees the mosque, could not be reached for comment on Saturday.

The fatwa, which has sparked widespread community debate and condemnation, warns that the "disbelievers are trying to draw Muslims away from the straight path".

It also says that Christmas Day and associated celebrations are among the "falsehoods that a Muslim should avoid ... and therefore, a Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them".

The posting of the fatwa has shocked many Muslim leaders.
The Grand Mufti of Australia, Ibrahim Abu Mohammad, said the foundations of Islam were peace, co-operation, respect and holding others in esteem.

"Anyone who says otherwise is speaking irresponsibly," he said.

"There is difference between showing respect for someone's belief and sharing those beliefs," Dr Ibrahim said.

Dr Ibrahim said the views did not represent the majority of Muslims in Australia. "We are required to have good relations with all people, and to congratulate them on their joyous events is very important."

The fatwa quotes the teacher Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim as saying that congratulating disbelievers for their rituals is forbidden, and if a "Muslim who says this does not become a disbeliever himself, he at least commits a sin as this is the same as congratulating him for his belief in the trinity, which is a greater sin and much more disliked by Almighty Allaah than congratulating him for drinking alcohol or killing a soul or committing fornication or adultery”.
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・Christmas wish appears in sky over mosque(2012年12月23日 abc.net.au)

以下、2012年12月23日分 abc.net.au『Christmas wish appears~』からその部分を(略

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The Lebanese Muslim Association, which runs the mosque, says the comments were taken out of context and the group harbours no anti-Christmas sentiment.

Samier Dandan from the the Lebanese Muslim Association says a junior staff member of the association copied and pasted text from another website that the mosque had not endorsed.

"From our perspective this is an innocent mistake done by a youth member who's employed by this organisation," he said.

"We are basically not going to apologise for what I perceive to be an innocent mistake, which is not necessarily reflective of the true mindset and belief of this organisation."

This afternoon, the organisation arranged to have the words "Merry Xmas" written in the sky above Lakemba Mosque.
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facebook のアカウントにログインするためのパスワードとかを知ってるなら十分考えられる理由だけど・・・。
仮にこれが事実だとすると、レバノン・ムスリム協会が facebook のアカウント管理について割といい加減だったのを示すわけで。



・ベツレヘムのクリスマス、キリスト生誕の地から平和を祈る(2012年12月25日 afpbb.com)

Happy X'mas and Happy New Year!!!!


