
長期休暇もない有給休暇もないリーマン・ パッカーが、


2022-09-17 | Weblog
  • バーガーセット約3000円…激しいインフレが生活を直撃 新たな首相選びに影響も イギリス|日テレNEWS news.ntv.co.jp/category/inter… posted at 22:24:26
  • 保守党党首にトラス氏 英新首相へ(日テレNEWS) - goo ニュース news.goo.ne.jp/article/ntv_ne… posted at 22:24:46
  • RT @the_churchnews: A new stake was created in Lagos, Nigeria, and 19 stakes were reorganized in Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Japan, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Tahiti and the United States. www.thechurchnews.com/callings/2022/… posted at 22:25:06
  • RT @thebookofmormon: Satan wants us to believe we’ll never be good enough, but the Lord sees us differently: “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18). posted at 22:25:09
  • RT @thebookofmormon: Sister Sharon Eubank taught, “The miracle of His grace is that when we repent of our sins, His scarlet blood returns us to purity. … The Lord knows how hard you are trying. You are making progress. Keep going” (general conference, Apr. 2019). posted at 22:25:13
  • RT @thebookofmormon: The Book of Mormon is full of people who changed their ways and “[became] new creatures” because of Christ (Mosiah 27:26). Some examples include King Benjamin’s people, the Lamanites who buried their weapons of war, Alma the Younger, Enos, and Zeezrom. posted at 22:25:22
  • RT @thebookofmormon: How does knowing that God can help you change give you the courage to keep trying? #thebookofmormon #comefollowme #potential #progress pic.twitter.com/cVSX67hCOR posted at 22:25:33
  • RT @thebookofmormon: Sometimes we think we’ve made too many mistakes to be forgiven. But Alma the Younger’s conversion story is a powerful reminder that it is never too late to come back to God. pic.twitter.com/hhM0DMWcLm posted at 12:03:36
  • 管理人マーキュリーマークからの伝言 二点連絡します。 前者は今月の15日にはてなブログ上でメンテナンスが行われるのではてなブログの閲覧が不可能になる恐れが高まりました。ブロガー版かgooブログ版でお楽しみ下さい。 後者は来月(令和四年十月)一日頃の投稿は遅延するかもしれません。 敬具 posted at 12:04:18
  • RT @hatenamaint: 9月15日(木) 15:00-16:00 データベースメンテナンス実施に伴うサービス停止のお知らせ maintenance.hatena.ne.jp/m/620302751393… posted at 12:04:28
  • 英エリザベス女王(96)死去 歴代最長在位70年(2022年9月9日) youtu.be/2rfc4HcIO2c @YouTubeより posted at 12:04:51
  • RT @Ch_JesusChrist: The First Presidency released a statement today about Queen Elizabeth II: “[We] express admiration and respect for the Queen and extend our sincere condolences to her family and her people at this tender time.” newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/admira… posted at 12:04:59
  • RT @Ch_JesusChrist: “The many expressions of sympathy from around the world are a loving tribute to Queen Elizabeth II from those who loved her and who mourn with her family and the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.” posted at 12:05:09
  • RT @Ch_JesusChrist: “In such moments, we feel gratitude for the goodness of an exemplary life and rejoice in the hope of a glorious resurrection, made possible through the loving sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.” posted at 12:05:11
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