Flu Season(1•2•3)

2014-01-24 13:44:37 | ラジオ英語
Flu Season(1)
come down with (かぜなどに)かかる、で寝込む
up to ~まで
get a shot 注射を受ける
leave something until not do something until a certain time, put it off until a certain time
vaccination ワクチン接種
onset (ふつう不快なことの)開始、始まり、襲来、攻撃
There's no time like the present. 今をおいて他にないですよ/It's now or never.とも
linger on ぐずぐずする、居残る
lollipop 棒つき飴、ぺろぺろキャンデー、アイスキャンデー
bite the bullet 歯を食いしばって耐える、観念する
down the road 将来
Flu Season(2)
runny 鼻水の出る
doozy (程度が)著しいもの、すごい(ひどい)もの/a doozy of a headachひどい頭痛
lay someone low (人を)弱らせる、病床に臥せさせる
yours truly (略式•おどけて)私、小生
no-brainer たやすいこと、考えるまでもないこと
Flu Season(3)
make sure be absolutely certain to do something or that a certain situation exists, such as,
"Make sure your  to put your ticket and passport in your bag." or "I called to make sure that I
had a reservation." 必ず~する
get into the habit of ~ ~する習慣を身につける
encouragement 促すこと、奨励すること
hand hygeine 手指消毒
You'd think ~ "You'd think," we often use this expression to mean, "it seems like this would
be the case but the situation is actually different." あなたは~と考えるでしょ、でも実態は
second nature 習慣になっているもの、第二の天性
conscientious 良心的な、真面目な、細心な、用心深い
intensive care room 集中治療室
go to the extreme of ~ ~という極端に走る
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