文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2018年07月31日 21時45分17秒 | 日記











2018年07月31日 21時38分32秒 | 日記











Unfortunately, many media outlets are still misunderstood as 'comfort women = sex slaves.'

2018年07月31日 21時13分47秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I am emphasizing the sentence except for the headline.

The newspaper that does not tell the truth

'Japan's quality paper' cannot lie - so believing that overseas media have quoted the Asahi newspaper report as it is.

I used to doubt that the number' 200,000 people' was once, but I thought the so-called 'comfort women' was vaguely the truth of history.

Therefore, disappointment and embarrassment came up when the Asahi Shimbun admitted to misinformation.

From then on, intending to include some self-discipline, I planned to work hard so that the honor of Japan would not be hurt anymore.

Thanks to Michael Yong, a journalist who wrote an article in English that wholly denied the '200,000 people' thesis', the 'Washington Post' and 'New York Times no longer tell 200,000 people of sexual slavery.

By the way, the 'Japan Times' did not quit until the end.

Management organization has changed, and anti-Japanese color has diluted, but before that, there were three articles about teaching a masochistic view of history a day.

That's why I called it 'Anti-Japan Times' (laugh).

Unfortunately, many media outlets are still misunderstood as 'comfort women = sex slaves.'

So, it corrects the article in English and Korean, 'Let's stop misunderstanding expression,' calling to the overseas media, will Asahi Shimbun be the compensation at least which it is possible to do?

A single mother is a beautiful, gay couple. Marriage should be allowed, but religion is not meaningful. I do not like the 'New York Times' or 'Washington Post' that obtrude liberal ideas.

But what makes them different from the Asahi Shimbun is that they do not write at least intentional lies.

And misinformation will be corrected immediately.

As you are sure, they do not dislike President Trump; it is criticism based on facts to the last.

They are different from CNN without compunction lying.

This draft continues.

Management organization has changed, and anti-Japanese color has diluted, but

2018年07月31日 21時12分05秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I am emphasizing the sentence except for the headline.

The newspaper that does not tell the truth

‘Japan's quality paper’ cannot lie - so believing that overseas media have quoted the Asahi newspaper report as it is.

I used to doubt that the number ‘200,000 people’ was once, but I thought that the so-called ‘comfort women’ was vaguely the truth of history.

Therefore, when the Asahi Shimbun admitted misinformation, the feeling of disappointment and embarrassment came up.

From then on, the intention of including some self-discipline, I planned to work hard so that the honor of Japan will not be hurt anymore.

Thanks to Michael Yong, a journalist who wrote an article in English that wholly denied the '200,000 people thesis', now 'Washington Post' and 'New York Times' are no longer to tell 200,000 people of sexual slavery.

By the way, it was the 'Japan Times' that it did not quit until the end.

Management organization has changed, and anti-Japanese color has diluted, but before that, there were three articles about teaching a masochistic view of history a day.

That's why I called it 'Anti-Japan Times' (laugh).

Unfortunately, still, many of the world's media are misunderstood as 'comfort women = sex slave.'

So, it corrects the article in English and Korean, 'Let's stop misunderstanding expression' calling to the overseas media, will Asahi Shimbun be the compensation at least which it is possible to do?

A single mother is a beautiful, gay couple marriage should be allowed, religion is not very meaningful ... I do not like the ‘New York Times’ or ‘Washington Post’ that obtrude liberal ideas.

But what makes them different from the Asahi Shimbun is that they do not write at least intentional lies.

And misinformation will be corrected immediately.

As you are sure they do not dislike President Trump, it is criticism based on facts to the last.

They are different from CNN without compunction lying.

This draft continues.

the Asahi admitted misinformation, the feeling of disappointment and embarrassment came up

2018年07月31日 21時07分02秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

I am emphasizing the sentence except for the headline.

The newspaper that does not tell the truth

‘Japan's quality paper’ cannot lie - so believing that overseas media have quoted the Asahi newspaper report as it is.

I used to doubt that the number ‘200,000 people’ was once, but I thought that the so-called ‘comfort women’ was vaguely the truth of history.

Therefore, when the Asahi Shimbun admitted misinformation, the feeling of disappointment and embarrassment came up.

From then on, the intention of including some self-discipline, I planned to work hard so that the honor of Japan will not be hurt anymore.

Thanks to Michael Yong, a journalist who wrote an article in English that wholly denied the '200,000 people thesis', now 'Washington Post' and 'New York Times' are no longer to tell 200,000 people of sexual slavery.

By the way, it was the 'Japan Times' that it did not quit until the end.

Management organization has changed, and anti-Japanese color has diluted, but before that, there were three articles about teaching a masochistic view of history a day.

That's why I called it 'Anti-Japan Times' (laugh).

Unfortunately, still, many of the world's media are misunderstood as 'comfort women = sex slave.'

So, it corrects the article in English and Korean, 'Let's stop misunderstanding expression' calling to the overseas media, will Asahi Shimbun be the compensation at least which it is possible to do?

A single mother is a beautiful, gay couple marriage should be allowed, religion is not very meaningful ... I do not like the ‘New York Times’ or ‘Washington Post’ that obtrude liberal ideas.

But what makes them different from the Asahi Shimbun is that they do not write at least intentional lies.

And misinformation will be corrected immediately.

As you are sure they do not dislike President Trump, it is criticism based on facts to the last.

They are different from CNN without compunction lying.

This draft continues.

by military or sexual slavery, specifically explain what it means ‘forced to provide sex’.

2018年07月31日 20時56分07秒 | 日記

In the monthly magazine WiLL this month's issue it was posted as entitled, Special feature; ‘People who do something to keep Japan from succeeding’, ‘If in English, you may think it is not found out’‘We thrust at the lie of a comfort woman to the Asahi Newspaper’, an interview article with Mr. Kent Gilbert.

Asahi, please post a ‘comfort women’ correction article in English and Korean right now!

It is not found out in English, is not it?

The other day, I made an approach to attack Asahi Shimbun's head office with Yamaoka Tetsuhide ...... not, ‘Proposal on English coverage’ has been made.

In August 2014, the Asahi Shimbun accepted Yoshida Seiji's ‘lie’ and canceled 18 articles written based on that testimony.

However, they thought that it was 'if overseas, it is not found out,' in an English version of the article they are continuing a malicious impression operation.

For example, for 'comfort women,' 'Comfort Women, who were forced to provide sex to Japanese soldiers before and during World War II.'

'Comfort women is a euphemism for women who were forced to provide sex to Imperial Japanese troops before and during the war. Many women came from the Korean Peninsula’ continue to write.

Who being forced is a passive state of force, who is 'forced' by whom?

Although it is not clearly stated, in this expression, it is reasonable that the native speaker interpreted as 'the Japanese army forced Korean women to have sex' and reminded them as 'comfort women = sex slaves.'

If you would like to say, 'It was forced by the Japanese army,' they ought to write confidently even a lie, the Asahi newspaper manipulates the impression with an ambiguous expression.

Speaking in a word, it is 'cowardice.'

In this way, as the Asahi Shimbun continues to flow incorrect information in English, many cases have been reported that overseas Japanese, especially Japanese children, are bullied or harassed.

Mr. Yamaoka, who did not stand patience and I gathered about 15,000 signatures and decided to go straight to complain to the Asahi Newspaper.

At the Asahi Shimbun headquarters, three employees, including the director of the public relations department, were greeted, but in the 'application form,' we requested the following four points.

① Do not use 'forced to provide sex' in the future

② To announce the fact that Yoshida's testimony was false and withdrew the article again in English

③ If you insist that the expression does not imply physically compulsory enticement by military or sexual slavery, specifically explain what it means 'forced to provide sex.'

④ To add descriptive expressions of comfort women from now on, use phrases such as 'comfort women who worked in brothels regulated by the military authorities'

The reply deadline is July 23, so it should have received a reply from the Asahi newspaper when this issue is released.

Let's wait with a light expectation.

This draft continues.

However, they thought that it was 'if overseas, it is not found out', in an English version

2018年07月31日 20時46分13秒 | 日記

In the monthly magazine WiLL this month's issue it was posted as entitled, Special feature; ‘People who do something to keep Japan from succeeding’, ‘If in English, you may think it is not found out’‘We thrust at the lie of a comfort woman to the Asahi Newspaper’, an interview article with Mr. Kent Gilbert.

Asahi, please post a ‘comfort women’ correction article in English and Korean right now!

It is not found out in English, is not it?

The other day, I made an approach to attack Asahi Shimbun head office with Yamaoka Tetsuhide ...... not, ‘Proposal on English coverage’ has been made.

In August 2014, the Asahi Shimbun accepted Yoshida Seiji's ‘lie’ and canceled 18 articles written based on that testimony.

However, they thought that it was 'if overseas, it is not found out,' in an English version of the article they are continuing a malicious impression operation.

For example, for 'comfort women,' 'Comfort Women, who were forced to provide sex to Japanese soldiers before and during World War II.'

'Comfort women is a euphemism for women who were forced to provide sex to Imperial Japanese troops before and during the war. Many women came from the Korean Peninsula’ continue to write.

Who being forced is a passive state of force, who is 'forced' by whom?

Although it is not clearly stated, in this expression, it is reasonable that the native speaker interpreted as 'the Japanese army forced Korean women to have sex' and reminded them as 'comfort women = sex slaves.'

If you would like to say, 'It was forced by the Japanese army,' they ought to write confidently even a lie, the Asahi newspaper manipulates the impression with an ambiguous expression.

Speaking in a word, it is 'cowardice.'

In this way, as the Asahi Shimbun continues to flow incorrect information in English, many cases have been reported that overseas Japanese, especially Japanese children, are bullied or harassed.

Mr. Yamaoka, who did not stand patience and I gathered about 15,000 signatures and decided to go straight to complain to the Asahi Newspaper.

At the Asahi Shimbun headquarters, three employees, including the director of the public relations department, were greeted, but in the 'application form,' we requested the following four points.

① Do not use 'forced to provide sex' in the future

② To announce the fact that Yoshida's testimony was false and withdrew the article again in English

③ If you insist that the expression does not imply physically compulsory enticement by military or sexual slavery, specifically explain what it means 'forced to provide sex.'

④ To add descriptive expressions of comfort women from now on, use phrases such as 'comfort women who worked in brothels regulated by the military authorities'

The reply deadline is July 23, so it should have received a reply from the Asahi newspaper when this issue is released.

Let's wait with a light expectation.

This draft continues.


2018年07月31日 07時28分39秒 | 日記




but Toshiba officials confessed that they are considering diverting 4S technology to TWR


「中国 原発で世界制覇の野望」と題して、海外電力調査会調査第一部長、松岡豊人氏が掲載している論文から




la enseñanza había popularizado una mentira de egocentrismo th




die Lehre hatte eine Lüge des Egozentrismus populär gemacht










'China has ambitions of world domination by nuclear power plant'


opetus oli suosittanut egocentrismin valhetta






가르침은 자기




o ensino popularizou uma mentira do egocentrismo






















pengajaran telah mempopularkan kebohongan egosentrisme th


l'enseignement avait popularisé un mensonge de l'égocentrisme


the nuclear reactor stops automatically, safety is high such as naturally cooling the reactor core


'Wow!' Toshiba officials clearly reminds them of Mr. Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, excited






öğretim, egocentrism t






三門1号機は今年6月30日に送電を開始、現在、営業運転準備中。 さらに、SNPTCはAP1000を改良して出力を140万kWに高めたCAP1400を開発、山東省・栄成石島湾に初号機の建設を計画


Microsoft Bill Gates and others and CNNC signed Memorandum of Cooperation in 2015.


Even if suddenly the power supply becomes unusable,


Japan's next-generation nuclear reactor excited Bill Gates,








In addition to being able to operate without refueling for up to 100 years,


Gates visited the next generation nuclear reactor ‘4S’ developed by Toshiba as chairman












가르침은 자기

2018年07月31日 07時26分00秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.
문화를 키우지 않는 한국
사실, 상식은 국가와 민족 그룹 모두를 포함하고 있습니다.
나라가 힘들고 인종이 부드럽다 고 생각할 때 이해하기 쉽습니다.
50 개 이상의 소수 민족이있는 중국에서는 중국인이 누구인지 확실하지 않습니다.
그러므로 'Zhonghua minzu'와 같은 거짓말을 말한다.
민족에 관해서, 사람들은 '원인과 결과의 이야기를 공유하는 사람들'입니다.
'원인과 결과'의 이야기는 역사, 문법, 상식 등을 의미합니다.
그러한 이야기 등을하는 경우 그러한 행동을하는 것을 잘 알고 있다면 '그렇게 할 때 이런 식이다'라는 원인과 결과의 이야기입니다.
이것을 풍성하게하는 것은 문화입니다.
생선회가 이렇게 자르면 일본 음식이 아름답게되는 그런 학습의 축적입니다.
한국은이 점에서 가난하다.
원래 종주의 문화로서의 종주국 문화에서는 자신의 문화를 키우지 않습니다.
제고리 Улаан Фурари (몽골 문학)조차도 매듭을 짓고있는 중국, 중국 음식 인 허우 구오지는 신신 노가되었다.
게다가 교육부 주도의 1970 년대에 '우리는 중국 문화를 받아들이고 모방 할뿐만 아니라 문화와도 동화되어 진정한 문화를 잃지 않았습니다. 우리는 새로운 문화를 창조했다. ( '1979 년 고등학교 세계사 사상'한국 교육 개발원 세계사 '' '' '' '') 또한 교육은 전국 각지에서 자아 중심주의의 거짓말을 대중화시켰다.
이것은 '받아들이면 우리의 것'이라고 불리는데, 이른바 '한국인이 원래 주장하는 것'으로 발전 할 것입니다.
검도와 다도도 공자의 말을 멀리하고 있습니다.
이 초안은 계속됩니다.

and the nuclear reactor naturally stops in emergency.

2018年07月30日 21時42分30秒 | 日記

The following is from the paper published by Mr. Toyota Matsuoka, the first section director of the JAPAN ELECTRIC POWER INFORMATION CENTER entitled 'China has ambitions of world domination by nuclear power plant' in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue.

Readers who read this paper will find that it is not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK's coverage against nuclear power plants and coverage against atomic power plants reactivation were also to profit China.

Furthermore, if they consider the solar power generation they praise and the fact that a considerable part of their panels is occupied by Chinese or Korean, their evil or anti-Japanese is extreme. ... It is even more so that it can be said with the amount of electricity that accounts for 3% out of the current 11,000 kW total generated power in Japan as already mentioned.

The reader who came up to this chapter should have thought of how much it was smiling at China, absolutely against nuclear power plants such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, anti-nuclear reactive reporting of the nuclear power plant.

China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.

On the contrary, it will be noticed that it is not an exaggeration to say that funds were brought in from China against the anti-nuclear power movement.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Next-generation reactors to tackle variously

Regarding technology development of the next-generation reactor, interest is high not only in Japan but also in the world, and Russia is steadily making progress, but China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.


Besides, in a traveling wave reactor (TWR), Terra Power established in the United States by Microsoft Bill Gates and others and CNNC signed Memorandum of Cooperation in 2015.


The following is from the article of Sankei Shimbun on 2014/9/18.

In response to Bill Gates' action, I think that the voice of indignation from Japan should have risen, it is an article found by searching on the net.

Japan's next-generation nuclear reactor excited Bill Gates, stagnant in a nuclear accident. In China etc. hot chase 'be fatal.'


Toshiba officials clearly remind them of Mr. Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, excited.

On 9th November 2009, Mr. Gates visited the ‘Isogo Engineering Center’ (Yokohama-shi), which designs the nuclear power plant in secret.

Gates visited the next generation nuclear reactor ‘4S’ developed by Toshiba as chairman of ‘TeraPower,’ a venture company for the development of next-generation nuclear reactors, which he owns.

4S is small as 10,000 to 50,000 kilowatts, but it is characterized by continuous operation for 10 to 30 years without refueling.

Even if suddenly the power supply becomes unusable, the nuclear reactor stops automatically, safety is high such as naturally cooling the reactor core.

Ozaki Akira of Toshiba Electric Power System Company Nuclear Operations Division says, ‘At the present time construction of a practical reactor is technically possible.’

Next generation nuclear reactor called ‘traveling wave reactor (TWR)’ where TeraPower advances development is a mechanism very similar to 4S.

In addition to being able to operate without refueling for up to 100 years, maintenance in the furnace is almost unnecessary, and the nuclear reactor naturally stops in an emergency.

Members of Gates and other TeraPower acclaimed that ‘Toshiba's 4S was the most innovative in studying nuclear energy so far.’

Toshiba and TeraPower have confidentiality agreements, and details are unknown, but Toshiba officials confessed that they are considering diverting 4S technology to TWR.

This draft continues.

maintenance in the furnace is almost unnecessary,

2018年07月30日 21時41分45秒 | 日記

The following is from the paper published by Mr. Toyota Matsuoka, the first section director of the JAPAN ELECTRIC POWER INFORMATION CENTER entitled 'China has ambitions of world domination by nuclear power plant' in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue.

Readers who read this paper will find that it is not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK's coverage against nuclear power plants and coverage against atomic power plants reactivation were also to profit China.

Furthermore, if they consider the solar power generation they praise and the fact that a considerable part of their panels is occupied by Chinese or Korean, their evil or anti-Japanese is extreme. ... It is even more so that it can be said with the amount of electricity that accounts for 3% out of the current 11,000 kW total generated power in Japan as already mentioned.

The reader who came up to this chapter should have thought of how much it was smiling at China, absolutely against nuclear power plants such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, anti-nuclear reactive reporting of the nuclear power plant.

China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.

On the contrary, it will be noticed that it is not an exaggeration to say that funds were brought in from China against the anti-nuclear power movement.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Next-generation reactors to tackle variously

Regarding technology development of the next-generation reactor, interest is high not only in Japan but also in the world, and Russia is steadily making progress, but China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.


Besides, in a traveling wave reactor (TWR), Terra Power established in the United States by Microsoft Bill Gates and others and CNNC signed Memorandum of Cooperation in 2015.


The following is from the article of Sankei Shimbun on 2014/9/18.

In response to Bill Gates' action, I think that the voice of indignation from Japan should have risen, it is an article found by searching on the net.

Japan's next-generation nuclear reactor excited Bill Gates, stagnant in a nuclear accident. In China etc. hot chase 'be fatal.'


Toshiba officials clearly remind them of Mr. Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, excited.

On 9th November 2009, Mr. Gates visited the ‘Isogo Engineering Center’ (Yokohama-shi), which designs the nuclear power plant in secret.

Gates visited the next generation nuclear reactor ‘4S’ developed by Toshiba as chairman of ‘TeraPower,’ a venture company for the development of next-generation nuclear reactors, which he owns.

4S is small as 10,000 to 50,000 kilowatts, but it is characterized by continuous operation for 10 to 30 years without refueling.

Even if suddenly the power supply becomes unusable, the nuclear reactor stops automatically, safety is high such as naturally cooling the reactor core.

Ozaki Akira of Toshiba Electric Power System Company Nuclear Operations Division says, ‘At the present time construction of a practical reactor is technically possible.’

Next generation nuclear reactor called ‘traveling wave reactor (TWR)’ where TeraPower advances development is a mechanism very similar to 4S.

In addition to being able to operate without refueling for up to 100 years, maintenance in the furnace is almost unnecessary, and the nuclear reactor naturally stops in an emergency.

Members of Gates and other TeraPower acclaimed that ‘Toshiba's 4S was the most innovative in studying nuclear energy so far.’

Toshiba and TeraPower have confidentiality agreements, and details are unknown, but Toshiba officials confessed that they are considering diverting 4S technology to TWR.

This draft continues.

In addition to being able to operate without refueling for up to 100 years,

2018年07月30日 21時40分50秒 | 日記

The following is from the paper published by Mr. Toyota Matsuoka, the first section director of the JAPAN ELECTRIC POWER INFORMATION CENTER entitled 'China has ambitions of world domination by nuclear power plant' in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue.

Readers who read this paper will find that it is not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK's coverage against nuclear power plants and coverage against atomic power plants reactivation were also to profit China.

Furthermore, if they consider the solar power generation they praise and the fact that a considerable part of their panels is occupied by Chinese or Korean, their evil or anti-Japanese is extreme. ... It is even more so that it can be said with the amount of electricity that accounts for 3% out of the current 11,000 kW total generated power in Japan as already mentioned.

The reader who came up to this chapter should have thought of how much it was smiling at China, absolutely against nuclear power plants such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, anti-nuclear reactive reporting of the nuclear power plant.

China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.

On the contrary, it will be noticed that it is not an exaggeration to say that funds were brought in from China against the anti-nuclear power movement.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Next-generation reactors to tackle variously

Regarding technology development of the next-generation reactor, interest is high not only in Japan but also in the world, and Russia is steadily making progress, but China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.


Besides, in a traveling wave reactor (TWR), Terra Power established in the United States by Microsoft Bill Gates and others and CNNC signed Memorandum of Cooperation in 2015.


The following is from the article of Sankei Shimbun on 2014/9/18.

In response to Bill Gates' action, I think that the voice of indignation from Japan should have risen, it is an article found by searching on the net.

Japan's next-generation nuclear reactor excited Bill Gates, stagnant in a nuclear accident. In China etc. hot chase 'be fatal.'


Toshiba officials clearly remind them of Mr. Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, excited.

On 9th November 2009, Mr. Gates visited the ‘Isogo Engineering Center’ (Yokohama-shi), which designs the nuclear power plant in secret.

Gates visited the next generation nuclear reactor ‘4S’ developed by Toshiba as chairman of ‘TeraPower,’ a venture company for the development of next-generation nuclear reactors, which he owns.

4S is small as 10,000 to 50,000 kilowatts, but it is characterized by continuous operation for 10 to 30 years without refueling.

Even if suddenly the power supply becomes unusable, the nuclear reactor stops automatically, safety is high such as naturally cooling the reactor core.

Ozaki Akira of Toshiba Electric Power System Company Nuclear Operations Division says, ‘At the present time construction of a practical reactor is technically possible.’

Next generation nuclear reactor called ‘traveling wave reactor (TWR)’ where TeraPower advances development is a mechanism very similar to 4S.

In addition to being able to operate without refueling for up to 100 years, maintenance in the furnace is almost unnecessary, and the nuclear reactor naturally stops in an emergency.

Members of Gates and other TeraPower acclaimed that ‘Toshiba's 4S was the most innovative in studying nuclear energy so far.’

Toshiba and TeraPower have confidentiality agreements, and details are unknown, but Toshiba officials confessed that they are considering diverting 4S technology to TWR.

This draft continues.

Next generation nuclear reactor called ‘traveling wave reactor (TWR)’

2018年07月30日 21時38分36秒 | 日記

The following is from the paper published by Mr. Toyota Matsuoka, the first section director of the JAPAN ELECTRIC POWER INFORMATION CENTER entitled 'China has ambitions of world domination by nuclear power plant' in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue.

Readers who read this paper will find that it is not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK's coverage against nuclear power plants and coverage against atomic power plants reactivation were also to profit China.

Furthermore, if they consider the solar power generation they praise and the fact that a considerable part of their panels is occupied by Chinese or Korean, their evil or anti-Japanese is extreme. ... It is even more so that it can be said with the amount of electricity that accounts for 3% out of the current 11,000 kW total generated power in Japan as already mentioned.

The reader who came up to this chapter should have thought of how much it was smiling at China, absolutely against nuclear power plants such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, anti-nuclear reactive reporting of the nuclear power plant.

China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.

On the contrary, it will be noticed that it is not an exaggeration to say that funds were brought in from China against the anti-nuclear power movement.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Next-generation reactors to tackle variously

Regarding technology development of the next-generation reactor, interest is high not only in Japan but also in the world, and Russia is steadily making progress, but China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.


Besides, in a traveling wave reactor (TWR), Terra Power established in the United States by Microsoft Bill Gates and others and CNNC signed Memorandum of Cooperation in 2015.


The following is from the article of Sankei Shimbun on 2014/9/18.

In response to Bill Gates' action, I think that the voice of indignation from Japan should have risen, it is an article found by searching on the net.

Japan's next-generation nuclear reactor excited Bill Gates, stagnant in a nuclear accident. In China etc. hot chase 'be fatal.'


Toshiba officials clearly remind them of Mr. Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, excited.

On 9th November 2009, Mr. Gates visited the ‘Isogo Engineering Center’ (Yokohama-shi), which designs the nuclear power plant in secret.

Gates visited the next generation nuclear reactor ‘4S’ developed by Toshiba as chairman of ‘TeraPower,’ a venture company for the development of next-generation nuclear reactors, which he owns.

4S is small as 10,000 to 50,000 kilowatts, but it is characterized by continuous operation for 10 to 30 years without refueling.

Even if suddenly the power supply becomes unusable, the nuclear reactor stops automatically, safety is high such as naturally cooling the reactor core.

Ozaki Akira of Toshiba Electric Power System Company Nuclear Operations Division says, ‘At the present time construction of a practical reactor is technically possible.’

Next generation nuclear reactor called ‘traveling wave reactor (TWR)’ where TeraPower advances development is a mechanism very similar to 4S.

In addition to being able to operate without refueling for up to 100 years, maintenance in the furnace is almost unnecessary, and the nuclear reactor naturally stops in an emergency.

Members of Gates and other TeraPower acclaimed that ‘Toshiba's 4S was the most innovative in studying nuclear energy so far.’

Toshiba and TeraPower have confidentiality agreements, and details are unknown, but Toshiba officials confessed that they are considering diverting 4S technology to TWR.

This draft continues.

the nuclear reactor stops automatically, safety is high such as naturally cooling the reactor core

2018年07月30日 21時37分20秒 | 日記

The following is from the paper published by Mr. Toyota Matsuoka, the first section director of the JAPAN ELECTRIC POWER INFORMATION CENTER entitled 'China has ambitions of world domination by nuclear power plant' in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue.

Readers who read this paper will find that it is not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK's coverage against nuclear power plants and coverage against atomic power plants reactivation were also to profit China.

Furthermore, if they consider the solar power generation they praise and the fact that a considerable part of their panels is occupied by Chinese or Korean, their evil or anti-Japanese is extreme. ... It is even more so that it can be said with the amount of electricity that accounts for 3% out of the current 11,000 kW total generated power in Japan as already mentioned.

The reader who came up to this chapter should have thought of how much it was smiling at China, absolutely against nuclear power plants such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, anti-nuclear reactive reporting of the nuclear power plant.

China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.

On the contrary, it will be noticed that it is not an exaggeration to say that funds were brought in from China against the anti-nuclear power movement.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Next-generation reactors to tackle variously

Regarding technology development of the next-generation reactor, interest is high not only in Japan but also in the world, and Russia is steadily making progress, but China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.


Besides, in a traveling wave reactor (TWR), Terra Power established in the United States by Microsoft Bill Gates and others and CNNC signed Memorandum of Cooperation in 2015.


The following is from the article of Sankei Shimbun on 2014/9/18.

In response to Bill Gates' action, I think that the voice of indignation from Japan should have risen, it is an article found by searching on the net.

Japan's next-generation nuclear reactor excited Bill Gates, stagnant in a nuclear accident. In China etc. hot chase 'be fatal.'


Toshiba officials clearly remind them of Mr. Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, excited.

On 9th November 2009, Mr. Gates visited the ‘Isogo Engineering Center’ (Yokohama-shi), which designs the nuclear power plant in secret.

Gates visited the next generation nuclear reactor ‘4S’ developed by Toshiba as chairman of ‘TeraPower,’ a venture company for the development of next-generation nuclear reactors, which he owns.

4S is small as 10,000 to 50,000 kilowatts, but it is characterized by continuous operation for 10 to 30 years without refueling.

Even if suddenly the power supply becomes unusable, the nuclear reactor stops automatically, safety is high such as naturally cooling the reactor core.

Ozaki Akira of Toshiba Electric Power System Company Nuclear Operations Division says, ‘At the present time construction of a practical reactor is technically possible.’

Next generation nuclear reactor called ‘traveling wave reactor (TWR)’ where TeraPower advances development is a mechanism very similar to 4S.

In addition to being able to operate without refueling for up to 100 years, maintenance in the furnace is almost unnecessary, and the nuclear reactor naturally stops in an emergency.

Members of Gates and other TeraPower acclaimed that ‘Toshiba's 4S was the most innovative in studying nuclear energy so far.’

Toshiba and TeraPower have confidentiality agreements, and details are unknown, but Toshiba officials confessed that they are considering diverting 4S technology to TWR.

This draft continues.

Even if suddenly the power supply becomes unusable,

2018年07月30日 21時36分30秒 | 日記

The following is from the paper published by Mr. Toyota Matsuoka, the first section director of the JAPAN ELECTRIC POWER INFORMATION CENTER entitled 'China has ambitions of world domination by nuclear power plant' in the monthly magazine WiLL this month issue.

Readers who read this paper will find that it is not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun and NHK's coverage against nuclear power plants and coverage against atomic power plants reactivation were also to profit China.

Furthermore, if they consider the solar power generation they praise and the fact that a considerable part of their panels is occupied by Chinese or Korean, their evil or anti-Japanese is extreme. ... It is even more so that it can be said with the amount of electricity that accounts for 3% out of the current 11,000 kW total generated power in Japan as already mentioned.

The reader who came up to this chapter should have thought of how much it was smiling at China, absolutely against nuclear power plants such as the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, anti-nuclear reactive reporting of the nuclear power plant.

China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.

On the contrary, it will be noticed that it is not an exaggeration to say that funds were brought in from China against the anti-nuclear power movement.

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Next-generation reactors to tackle variously

Regarding technology development of the next-generation reactor, interest is high not only in Japan but also in the world, and Russia is steadily making progress, but China's challenge can be characterized by a wide range.


Besides, in a traveling wave reactor (TWR), Terra Power established in the United States by Microsoft Bill Gates and others and CNNC signed Memorandum of Cooperation in 2015.


The following is from the article of Sankei Shimbun on 2014/9/18.

In response to Bill Gates' action, I think that the voice of indignation from Japan should have risen, it is an article found by searching on the net.

Japan's next-generation nuclear reactor excited Bill Gates, stagnant in a nuclear accident. In China etc. hot chase 'be fatal.'


Toshiba officials clearly remind them of Mr. Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder, excited.

On 9th November 2009, Mr. Gates visited the ‘Isogo Engineering Center’ (Yokohama-shi), which designs the nuclear power plant in secret.

Gates visited the next generation nuclear reactor ‘4S’ developed by Toshiba as chairman of ‘TeraPower,’ a venture company for the development of next-generation nuclear reactors, which he owns.

4S is small as 10,000 to 50,000 kilowatts, but it is characterized by continuous operation for 10 to 30 years without refueling.

Even if suddenly the power supply becomes unusable, the nuclear reactor stops automatically, safety is high such as naturally cooling the reactor core.

Ozaki Akira of Toshiba Electric Power System Company Nuclear Operations Division says, ‘At the present time construction of a practical reactor is technically possible.’

Next generation nuclear reactor called ‘traveling wave reactor (TWR)’ where TeraPower advances development is a mechanism very similar to 4S.

In addition to being able to operate without refueling for up to 100 years, maintenance in the furnace is almost unnecessary, and the nuclear reactor naturally stops in an emergency.

Members of Gates and other TeraPower acclaimed that ‘Toshiba's 4S was the most innovative in studying nuclear energy so far.’

Toshiba and TeraPower have confidentiality agreements, and details are unknown, but Toshiba officials confessed that they are considering diverting 4S technology to TWR.

This draft continues.