文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/2/27

2013年02月28日 11時00分54秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/2/27



226日のアクセス数  閲覧数:13,436PV    訪問者数:713IP

順位: 581 / 1,687,675ブログ中 (前日比 ↓ )



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:741 訪問者数:559




1トップページ115 PV

2私の履歴書 佐久間良子 心の流転、全身全...74 PV

3私の履歴書 新婚旅行ワガママ同士 佐久間...60 PV

4Isn't It a Pity - George Harrison44 PV

5理研発VB米国で治験免疫抑制剤 服用短く...39 PV

6目の眩むような深い距離39 PV

7Live performance of George Harrisons &qu...34 PV

8日銀はいますぐ100兆円の紙幣を刷ってみろ...34 PV

9Eric Clapton - Beware Of Darkness (Conce...33 PV

10芥川が下記・拙著で提示した〈解答〉は本当...32 PV

11月別表示30 PV

12日銀はいますぐ100兆円の紙幣を刷ってみろ...29 PV

13小沢一郎・民主党元代表に聞く消費税と政界...26 PV

14製造業 世界が争奪 米法人税下げ案 25...26 PV

15良し、今日は、もう一度、法隆寺に行こう、...26 PV

16孫正義が日本電信電話に割って入った結果、...25 PV

17なぜ日本は破綻寸前なのに円高なのか 藤巻...24 PV

18アーカイブ21 PV

19「銀河鉄道の時刻表」225日。18 PV

20小沢氏捜査 虚偽報告書朝日新聞22638...15 PV




a thunder dram by the review.

2013年02月27日 23時30分34秒 | 日記
If saying what was good when The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight of the preceding chapter play live broadcasting, it have been possible to see liner notes of their CD album and the drummer who was acclaimed as being a thunder dram by the review.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Look at kindle with not to be durability downloading kindle for PC ( free of charge ).

The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight

2013年02月27日 22時49分53秒 | 日記
The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight

It is when they released this big hit song that Akutagawa knew The Smashing Pumpkins.

Needless of being acclaiming the Newsweek magazine which the review is severe on, too, it is said that it was wonderful music

Because the salty time continued after 1990, there was not opportunity to see their live broadcasting.

Only once, it knew that they performed in the visiting Japan but it wasn't possible to have gone to the view.

Tonight, it found this YouTube.

To have thought that YouTube was good is needless to say.

The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight Live , MTV 1996

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Look at kindle with not to be durability downloading kindle for PC ( free of charge ).

Oh my God.

2013年02月27日 19時20分06秒 | 日記
The preceding chapter sequel

The preamble abbreviation


There is a person who is called Dean and it is the work that America does a professor at Scout.
Because it is possible to defeat Yale University and there is a pulling out person of the such professor if pulling this person to Harvard but it is yes not in Japan

The pulling out person wants to see a hostess at Ginza about what he is.
(It laughs).
However, there is an again terrible place.
but IPS cell Yamanaka professor however, Japan made valuable to have returned a palm if catching Nobel prize
However, if there is Yamanaka professor in America, before catching Nobel prize, in the fact to be an epoch-making person in the research of the IPS cell, Harvard and the yell and the university anywhere are a pulling out battle.
By the treatment to accomplish, to boil to treat salary very well and to make a laboratory and to be terrible

What is it so?

As for being the worst, can the professor of the science faculty evaluate objectively by the achievements, the development and the paper and so on but doesn't the professor of the faculty of liberal arts have it?

Therefore, the professor in the departments of economic in the University of Tokyo becomes the member in the council in the government of the committee, participates in the economic policy and the education policy and has made economy and education reckless.

Now, it wasn't possible to avoid from the deflation in 20.

Does it meet? Oh my God.

The omit the last part

Wada Hideki 1960, coming from Osaka-city.
The University of Tokyo medical school graduation
At present, it is an international medical welfare university graduate school professor, a Kawasaki good luck hospital psychiatry counselor, a docent of the departments of economic of Hitotsubashi University, the clinic principal of the Hideki Wada mind and the body via the University of Tokyo affiliated hospital neuropsychiatry assistant, the American curl Menninger psychiatry school international fellow.
It writes a lot of books about the exam, the education, the mind problem and so on and it is active as the commentator of the television and the radio, too.
It dealt with “Cinderella of the exam “and” the tango of my “I “person rawness life “so far as the film director.
Latest book “the serious crime “(the Asahi newly-published book)” in the University of Tokyo “is a now on sale.


2013年02月27日 18時42分30秒 | 日記





林 東大法学部卒、東大助手、東大助教授、東大教授の4行……。

和田 そう。その下の人は東大法学部の大学院に行って、私立やほかの大学の教授になる。だから東大というのは純粋培養で、よその経験がない人ほど偉いわけですよ。

林  ハーバードなんかとキャリアが違うわけですね。

和田  ハーバードはよその大学で成功した人が教授になったり、企業で成功したり、かつては上院議員をやってたり、そういう人を教授に引っ張ってくるんです。




It reread a short while ago and it guffawed.

2013年02月27日 18時32分01秒 | 日記
Yesterday, it read reaching weekly Asahi.

Hideki Wada appeared on Mariko Hayashi's serialization talk.

There were many parts to think that gets my mind.

It reread a short while ago and it guffawed.

The preamble abbreviation


The 4 line …… of the University of Tokyo assistant, the University of Tokyo assistant professor, the University of Tokyo professor who is graduated in the college of law of the University of Tokyo

The meeting.The person under it goes to the graduate school in the college of law of the University of Tokyo and becomes a professor in the university of private and others.

University of Tokyo the reason is, therefore, in the axenic-culture, the person who doesn't have other experience more it does, the greater it is.


The carrier is different from Harvard something.


The person who was successful in the other university becomes a professor, Harvard succeeds in the corporation, and formerly, it gives a senator and is enough and pulls such a person to the professor.

The scholar who doesn't know society at all becomes the member in the council of the committee with the influence, the University of Tokyo professor, says a selfish thing and it is in Japan that he is covering the world with the harm.

The omit the last part

It guffawed here.

Of the delicious taste of its being subscribing to the newspaper however, it is.

2013年02月27日 18時10分28秒 | 日記
In Akutagawa, there was an only part to have thought that got my mind in the article of the preceding chapter.

Of the delicious taste of its being subscribing to the newspaper however, it is.

The preamble abbreviation

Economist John Maynard Keynes, too, was to do the owner being of the excellent orderly sense.

Assuming that it established Keynesian economics by flagrant " the general theory " but actually, that was not a theory book and was to do accumulation being of the sometimes and policy pamphlet.

Saying being the catalyst which prompts for the consensus building of the new policy behind the Great Depression, I interpret.

The omit the last part

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Look at kindle with not to be durability downloading kindle for PC ( free of charge ).


2013年02月27日 17時50分55秒 | 日記














You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


Buy This Book

Read This Book For You

To Understand Both Japan And The World.














you are defeated to the schoolchild, too.

2013年02月27日 17時32分40秒 | 日記
There was a feature article that the editorial member of the committee interviewed some economist in The Asahi today.

This economist, too, is same as the other economic critics.

The reconsideration to have continued to regard that 80 percent of stock price in the stock market continued to sag in Japan which is a capitalistic country as being a seat is seen nowhere.

For example, as for saying what is more, the semiconductor industry in Japan crushed because it lost competitiveness, there was a problem in the management and the technology and it says and so on.

When this is now the foolishness which is common to the economic critics who appear on the mass media,
Akutagawa asserts.

This is the problem of the level of the kindergartner.

Where is the competitor of the semiconductor and the electric appliance manufacturer in Japan?

Needless for Korea to say to 1 and to be China is needless for it to say to 2.

As for Korea, since the national finance fails 10 years before, the exchange market in Korea was very small and it continued to accomplish the intervention on the foreign exchange markets which is extreme using being a market at the end of the garden of the home for the Korean authority.

As a result, 60 percent of Wong fell to yen.

Akutagawa wants to say to this economist.

Of the runner where it is possible to run within 10 seconds however, you run in 160 m about you in 100 m and as for the companion, in the competition which runs in 100 m, you are defeated to the schoolchild, too.

Completely, the foolishness of the economic critics in Japan is peaked.

Needless to say to China because it is an Exchange control country therefore.

Look at kindle with not to be durability downloading kindle for PC ( free of charge ).

" Artist house Place where the work is born" The Asahi 2012/2/26 reading column

2013年02月27日 12時26分08秒 | 日記
" Artist house Place where the work is born"
From the G and Lemaire 〈 sentence 〉 Jon Amiel 〈 photograph 〉... The Asahi 2012/2/26 reading column

In Japan, such a critique is carried every week on the style which referred many times on Sunday and tens of million people read this.

Following about 100 critiques are carried every week if totaling national newspaper 5 paper.

That "The Turntable of Civilization" went around to Japan, too, will be consequential.

As for the deep meaning about the thing, subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization to publish soon.

It will be a Korean resident in Japan because it is such a country, it will be a Chinese but if it does a true highbrow, it welcomes to the important post.

Wishing to disclose a mystery and a secret
The comment Tadanori Yokoo The artist

The artist house is the place to lead and it is disclosing its own mystery and secret naturally.

A photograph at the 14 artist house is introduced to the this manual.

It has called on Monet's, Chirico's, Moreau's house among these but the one with interest in me is Magritte mansion most.

It is because most of his subjects are indoors.

However, the secret of the picture isn't spent from the photograph.

It will be that it is possible to have reeled the secret on the occasion of the bottom of the broad daylight if the photographer understands his picture deeply.

Regrettably, it lacked the coming close of the ONE'S eyes to " the place where the work is born ", to be few.

Monet held the realm of the dream at Giverny.

It is made to imagine relation to the collection of the enormous Ukiyoe which was placed on indoors by vast Japanese garden which the garden was elaborately laid out but with the photograph, not to reflect is too deserted with anything in the pond and flower tree orchard of the water lily which is made the essential subject of the picture.

The masterpiece group which was refused by hoping for the donation to the country is excellently arranged indoors at the house of Chirico who faced Piazza di Spagna in Rome in the furniture as it bears a close resemblance to Lucino Visconti's movie and the furnishings as it makes bears a close resemblance.

However, though the corrugated flooring which appears on the new metaphysical-painting series of him often and the iron fence at the 2nd floor balconies become a flagrant he pothook art object, the photographer overlooks Chirico's secret weapon.

It is the magical word which is spoken to the god of beauty of the painter who was pasted to the back of the easel that received bad breathing but wanting to have discover it by all means.

Also, wanted to have put back the reliquiae of his picturing run, too, at the photograph.

The Japanese syllabary which disgusted a painter in Japan where there are many orders?

Moreau museum which boils one of the showplace in Paris and becomes was his dwelling originally.

In the inside of the building, it leads the person whom his " the system of the art " sees in the squeeze to the world of the classic picture of the mystery and the thaumaturgy.

Then, it is as the photograph that it becomes the place to fascinate the person who visits this place by the boundary of the vertigo.