

なぜ、日本でハロウィーンが広がったのか? Halloween In Japan

2014-10-24 00:41:40 | ブログ

Halloween ハロウィーン   ~ ソフィア学院便り10月号より

In Japan, Halloween events have been getting more popular for these several decades. Commercial sign boards printed witches, jack-o’-lanterns, and ghosts can be seen here and there in this season. But do we know since when Halloween has been popular in Japan? According to a newspaper article, Halloween events in 1997 and TV commercials in 2002 done by Tokyo Disneyland may influence these atmospheres of Japan in this season. And we can guess another reason why assistant language teachers at public schools and private language school teachers from North America have been increasing for several decades. They have planned and held many Halloween events.  They may be missionaries of Halloween and they have made Halloween more popular. Also, it has been promoted by company commercialism. Halloween in Japan is a massive cosplay event for young adults rather than a trick-or-treat event for children.Halloween may be well established as a kind of custom like Christmas in Japan.


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たった一度の約束 “ Promise of just one time ”

2014-09-14 02:43:15 | ブログ

I apologize in advance for becoming a private publicity of my brother in-law, movie art director, Koichi Takeuchi. He and his superior, movie director, Nobuhiko Obayashi have created many works of art for several decades.  Also he has been just one of the backseat roles for many years. But he had an opportunity of first appearance as an extra in this TV drama “ Promise of just one time”. Please watch the scene of taking wedding photographs, and you will be able to catch him.

  Broadcasting Date: September 28 ( Sunday )
  Broadcasting Channel: BS Japan   
  Broadcasting Time: 21:00 ~ 22:55

Takeuchikoichi03 Lkoichi_takeuchi02


This is he. Could you catch him on TV?




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お盆とは日本人にとって何ですか。“ What is Obon? ”

2014-08-13 23:07:46 | ブログ

お盆 Obon Festival 」 ~ソフィア学院便り 8月号より~

Obon is a in Buddhist event occurring from the 13th to 15th of July or August to hold a memorial service to the spirits of ancestors.
Because the spirits of the dead are said to return at this time, fires are lit at the entrances to homes so the spirits do not lose their way, and, in addition to lanterns being lit inside homes, the Buddhist home altars are tidied up and vegetables and fruit are set out as offerings.
And when obon is over, the spirits are sent on their way. This is called the escorting of the spirits and fires to speed their seeing off are lit at entrances of homes and offerings are floated on rivers and the ocean.

During these obon holidays, parents and their children go to their home towns to meet their grandparents.
And grandparents are looking forward to seeing their children and grandchildren. They enjoy spending time and eating special dinner together. Those who are living away from hometowns come back then, so that there are terrible traffic jams on the toll ways here and there.
One of the Japanese proverbs:  Both obon and oshogatsu ( New Year's day) have just been coming together.  Both of them are very important and pleasurable for Japanese people. And especially obon holidays are really holy for them.

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2014-07-07 12:00:34 | ブログ



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ひな祭り The Doll's Festival In Japan

2014-03-11 01:28:11 | ブログ

Hinamatsuri is a seasonal festival on March 3, with traditions to pray for the health and happiness of young girls. Households with young daughters celebrate the festival for the girls' future happiness.

And they display a set of dolls dressed in court noble costumes of Heian period on a step-like platform called hinadan. So it is called the Doll's Festival in English.

They also eat various kinds of foods for good luck, such as clam soup, chirashi-zushi( a kind of sushi ), hishimochi ( lozenge-shaped colorful mochi ), colorful snacks called hina-arare, and so on.

And they drink a white sake called shirozake , which has two types, non-alcoholic one and alcoholic one as aside from food. The former one is major.

Since it falls within the peach blossom season, the festival is also called " momono-sekku " or the Peach Festival in English.


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