

なぜ、日本でハロウィーンが広がったのか? Halloween In Japan

2014-10-24 00:41:40 | ブログ

Halloween ハロウィーン   ~ ソフィア学院便り10月号より

In Japan, Halloween events have been getting more popular for these several decades. Commercial sign boards printed witches, jack-o’-lanterns, and ghosts can be seen here and there in this season. But do we know since when Halloween has been popular in Japan? According to a newspaper article, Halloween events in 1997 and TV commercials in 2002 done by Tokyo Disneyland may influence these atmospheres of Japan in this season. And we can guess another reason why assistant language teachers at public schools and private language school teachers from North America have been increasing for several decades. They have planned and held many Halloween events.  They may be missionaries of Halloween and they have made Halloween more popular. Also, it has been promoted by company commercialism. Halloween in Japan is a massive cosplay event for young adults rather than a trick-or-treat event for children.Halloween may be well established as a kind of custom like Christmas in Japan.


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