


2008年03月24日 | 台湾


[ハラハラしっぱなしかも プロ野球開幕]


◆Opposition KMT wins Taiwan election(FT.com)

<China’s state-run Xinhua news agency said the results showed that Taiwan independence did not have the support of the people.>

<The clear result gives Mr Ma a strong mandate to prioritise economic development over Taiwanese nationalism, and is expected to trigger a rally in the Taiwan stock market on Monday. Investors have been buying Taiwan stocks ahead of the election, betting on a KMT victory over the incumbent Demoractic Progressive party. However, Mr Ma made clear that unification with China is not on his agenda and that he sees it as his responsibility to safeguard Taiwan’s status quo.>


<Asked how he interpreted the mandate voters had given him, Mr Ma said: “It clearly says that Taiwan should be more open, more pragmatic and should not isolate itself. But it also says that Taiwan should be united.” Mr Ma’s victory follows a landslide KMT victory in legislative elections in January which gave the party a majority of more than two-thirds in parliament.>

<The result of the election marks the third clear electoral defeat in in three years for the DPP. Observers said voters had used the ballot to condemn the ruling party for its weak legislative record and allegations of corruption.“There’s only one comment to make about our eight years in power: We have failed in government,” said Chuang Suo-hang, a former DPP lawmaker who lost his seat in January.>
(与党DPPにとって、今回の選挙はここ3年間で3度目の完敗という結果だ。ある識者は、立法院における与党の弱勢や腐敗への批判の意味を込めた投票行動であるという。「政権を担ったこの8年についてのコメントは一点だけ──施政は失敗に終わったということですね」というのは、1月の立法院選で落選したDPPのChuang Suo-hang前議員である)


<The president-elect said he would work towards direct passenger aviation links with China as the first step in seeking rapprochement with the mainland when he is inaugurated in May. Addressing a crowd of thousands of rejoicing supporters in front of his campaign headquarters, Mr Ma called the election a celebration of Taiwan’s core values of freedom and democracy, and pointed to the island’s role as the only democracy in the Chinese-speaking world.>


