


2020-07-25 16:15:58 | Newsメモ

Jun Wei Yeo, also known as Dickson Yeo, on Friday pleaded guilty in a federal court to working as an illegal agent of the Chinese government in 2015-19, the US Department of Justice said in a statement.

BBC Singapore man admits being Chinese spy in US 25 Jul 2020


A Singaporean man has pleaded guilty in the US to working as an agent of China, the latest incident in a growing stand-off between Washington and Beijing.

Jun Wei Yeo was charged with using his political consultancy in America as a front to collect information for Chinese intelligence, US officials say.


There are a number of factors in play. US officials have blamed China for the global spread of Covid-19. More specifically, President Donald Trump has alleged, without presenting evidence, that the virus originated from a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan.



Separately, the US said a Chinese researcher accused of hiding her ties to China's military was detained.

The researcher was named by US officials as Juan Tang, aged 37.

She was among four Chinese nationals charged earlier this week with visa fraud for allegedly lying about serving in China's People's Liberation Army.


BBC US arrests three Chinese nationals for visa fraud 23 Jul 2020

The US has charged four Chinese nationals with visa fraud for allegedly lying about their membership of China's armed forces.

The four individuals charged with visa fraud are Wang Xin, Song Chen, Zhao Kaikai and Tang Juan. Ms Tang is thought to be in the San Francisco consulate.

while Zhao Kaikai claimed never to have served in the military but in fact was a member of a top PLA research institution」いやその、ちゃんと偽装はかっちりしましょうよ。ちゃんと軍籍を消去して、単なる民間の写真技師として開業するとか。そういう偽装はちゃんとしようよ。
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