


2024-06-02 21:02:07 | Newsメモ

BBC North Korea floats more rubbish-filled balloons over South Korean border 23 hours ago
Thomas Mackintosh



North Korea is sending more balloons carrying rubbish across the heavily fortified southern border, South Korea's military has said.

It comes just days after North Korea appeared to send at least 200 balloons carrying rubbish over the border in retaliation for propaganda leaflets sent from the south.

South Korea's defence minister Shin Won-sik called it "unimaginably petty and low-grade behaviour" while the military added it is examining the contents of the bags floated over the border by the balloons.

 unimaginably petty and low-grade behaviourなんてのもなかなか見ない文字列だよなあと。

Recent incidents come days after North Korea said it would retaliate against the "frequent scattering of leaflets and other rubbish" in border areas by activists in the South.

In addition to anti-Pyongyang propaganda, activists in South Korea have launched balloons carrying among other things, cash, banned media content and even Choco Pies - a South Korean snack banned in the North.


Earlier this month, a South Korea-based activist group claimed it had sent 20 balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang leaflets and USB sticks containing Korean pop music and music videos across the border.


BBC North Korea drops trash balloons on the South 4 days ago
Kelly Ng

North Korea has dropped at least 260 balloons carrying rubbish in the South, prompting authorities to warn its residents to stay indoors.

South Korea's military also cautioned the public against touching the white balloons and the plastic bags attached to them because they contain "filthy waste and trash".

The balloons have been found in eight of nine provinces in South Korea and are now being analysed.

North Korea has also launched balloons southward that attacked Seoul's leaders. In one such launch 2016, the balloons reportedly carried toilet paper, cigarette butts and rubbish. Seoul police described them as “hazardous biochemical substances”.

 煙草の吸殻とか“hazardous biochemical substances”というのは大仰すぎるが、実際されたことではなくし得る能力と可能性とについて警戒するべき面はそりゃあある。
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