


2019-09-08 23:24:33 | Newsメモ
BBC Typhoon Lingling: Powerful typhoon passes over North Korea 8 Sep 2019

A powerful typhoon has passed over the Korean peninsula, leaving five people dead and 460 houses damaged or destroyed in North Korea, according to state media.


The storm flooded 460 sq km (178 sq miles) of farmland, the official KCNA news agency said, in a country already suffering food shortages.

 ここしばらく、あまりに行状がわるく、「それとこれとは別! 人命の危機なんだよ?!」と言う言葉の説得力が減退しているのではないかなあ…。

BBC North Korea suffers worst drought in decadesNorth Korea suffers worst drought in decades 16 May 2019

North Korea has said it is suffering its worst drought in 37 years and called on its citizens to "battle" against the crop damage caused by it.

North Koreans had been surviving on just 300g (10.5 oz) of food a day so far this year, the UN report said.



世界経済のネタ帳 小麦価格の推移

 によれば、「196.21 USドル/トン (円換算: 21.24 円/kg) ※2019年7月の平均価格」。まあ、ざっくり平均的に1トン200ドルとして、2億9200万ドル。1ドル110円換算で321億2000万。有名なトマホークやハープーンは143万ドルとか112万ドルとかだそうで、弾道弾がこれより安いとはちょっとなかなか―。


But, he points out, that if official data is accurate, their research suggests North Korea would need to import as much as 1.5 million tonnes of food to make up for the shortfall in production.


It estimated that 10 million people - 40% of the country's population - are in urgent need of food.

The report added that "the situation could further deteriorate during the lean season from May to September" if action wasn't taken.


『やあやあカネモチの自由主義国家君たち! 愛しい人命が失われないように、我が国に十二分な援助をくれたまえよ! なにしろ我々の規模では、我々の国民を食わせることができないからね! だがミサイルを開発して君たち自由主義国家を脅しつけるネタをつくることはできそうなんでそっちに全力あげるんでヨロシク! あ、ほらー。おまえら人道主義者どもの援助がおそいから、ウチの国民が餓死しちゃったじゃないかー。それってどーなの? 人権尊重のお前らの気持ちってその程度のものだったの? なんだい、期待はずれだなあ! あ、おまえらの建国記念日に弾道弾打ち上げるからよろしこー』


Sanctions do not ban humanitarian aid and even prevent North Korea from exporting food that could be used to feed its population.

But only a handful of approved groups can deliver aid to North Korea and reports say those groups working inside the country are facing an increasingly difficult environment because of the complex web of sanctions.


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