


2020-12-13 17:47:43 | ナイジェリア事情

BBC Nigeria school attack: Hundreds missing in Katsina after raid by gunmen 12 hours ago


Hundreds of students are feared missing after gunmen raided a secondary school in north-western Nigeria.

The attackers arrived on motorbikes and started shooting into the air, causing people to flee, witnesses said.

They targeted the Government Science Secondary School - where more than 800 students are said to reside - in Katsina state on Friday evening.

On Saturday, the military said it had located the gunmen's hideout in a forest and exchanged gunfire with them.

The outcome was unclear but officials said there were no reports of students being injured.


About 200 students who had fled - and were initially deemed missing - later returned. However, witnesses said they saw a number of students being taken away by the gunmen.


Residents living near the all-boys boarding school in the Kankara area told the BBC they heard gunfire at about 23:00 (22:00 GMT) on Friday, and that the attack lasted for more than an hour.


BBC Nigeria's Boko Haram crisis: Aid workers 'killed' in Borno state 23 July 2020

Five aid workers abducted last month in north-east Nigeria's Borno State have been killed, reportedly by jihadists.

The men were working for Action Against Hunger, the International Rescue Committee, Rich International and the country's State Emergency Management Agency, Nigeria's president confirmed.

Muhammadu Buhari blamed Boko Haram and vowed to bring the killers to justice.

太字訂正2020-12-17 22:06:46
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