


2020-05-21 21:29:26 | Newsメモ

BBC Pakistan girls: Man arrested for 'murdering cousins over video' 21 May 2020


Police have arrested a man suspected of killing two young women in Pakistan, after a video in which a man is seen kissing them went viral on social media.

Muhammad Aslam is suspected of shooting the pair, aged 18 and 16, who were his cousins.

The man in the video, the owner of the phone it was filmed on, and relatives of the women are also in custody.


They were murdered last week in the village of Shamplan, in Garyom region on the border of North and South Waziristan tribal districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

The area is a socially conservative remote region, where tribal law is often upheld over federal law.

The 52-second long video was reportedly shot nearly a year ago, but went viral a few weeks ago.

In the video, seen by the BBC, Umer Ayaz, 28, is seen in a secluded area outdoors with three veiled women, two of whom he then kisses.

He is believed to be married with two children.

The third girl, who is not kissed in the video, is the wife of the suspected killer according to police. She is believed to be in hiding.

 ビデオに写っていた三人の少女の内、一名は殺害者の妻だったとか。つまりまあ…このままだと俺の妻まで夫以外の男と仲良くするドエロ淫乱女だと思われるだろ! つーか一族にお前らみたいなのがいるとヤバいんだよ! ということか…。

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