

Desirée Mariottini(16)が殺されて

2018-10-26 11:12:48 | Newsメモ
BBC Desirée Mariottini killing: Migrants held in Italy over girl's death 25 Oct 2018

Three migrants from Senegal and Nigeria have been arrested by police investigating the rape and killing of a girl whose death has been seized upon by the populist right.

Right-wing Interior Minister Matteo Salvini hailed the arrests, condemning those behind the murder as "worms".

Investigators believe the victim fell unconscious for several hours last week after being given a cocktail of drugs by several people, and died of an overdose. She was sexually abused before she died.

Police believe as many as six people may have been involved in her death, including two Italians. A third suspect has already been traced.

They first arrested two Senegalese men, aged 26 and 42, who are described as undocumented migrants, and later picked up a Nigerian man aged 40. All three were suspected of murder, gang rape and supplying drugs, police said.

Her friend said the teenager had been sold drugs in exchange for her mobile phone and had gone back to the traffickers in an attempt to retrieve the phone.






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