


2024-04-10 21:41:15 | Newsメモ

BBC Morocco drought: Satellite images show vital Al Massira reservoir is shrinking 12 hours ago
By Sophie Abdulla


Morocco's second-largest reservoir that serves some of its major cities and has been central to farm irrigation is drying up, according to satellite images analysed by the BBC.

Al Massira Dam, which sits around halfway between Casablanca and Marrakesh, contains just 3% of the average amount of water that was there nine years ago, figures show.

Six consecutive years of drought and climate change, which causes record temperatures that lead to more evaporation, have threatened water supplies across the North African nation and hit agriculture and the economy in general.

The satellite images that the BBC looked at were taken in the same month, March, over successive years from 2018 to 2024.


They show a stark transformation in the landscape, with areas that are normally green becoming parched and beige.


Aside from the impact on agriculture, the shortage has also affected the country's famous hammams - or public steam rooms and saunas - which have been ordered to close for three days a week to save water in key cities.


To help ease the situation, the country is investing more in seawater desalination plants. But these facilities require a high amount of energy and can eject concentrated salt water and toxic chemicals back into the sea and ocean that are harmful to the environment.

 …かなり厳しいな? 農家は経営が立ち行かなくなっている様子。かなり詰み加減だな…?
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