


2024-08-29 16:38:50 | Newsメモ
 70 millionというから7千万人か、それほどの地域でえらいこと渇水。枯れ河の河床を掘ってなんとかバケツ一杯ほどの水を得ようとするレベル。無論、農業は壊滅するレベルなので食糧危機も併発。

One of the worst droughts in living memory is sweeping across southern Africa, leaving close to 70 million people without enough food and water.

BBC Digging riverbeds in Zimbabwe in desperate search for water 1 hour ago

Shingai Nyoka

Armed with shovels and buckets, the men are digging into the river floor, desperately trying to extract the last drops of water from it.

Along the riverbed are several holes, large enough to fit a single bucket.


Gracious Phiri, a mother of five, stands among these women. The 43-year-old tells the BBC she now has to walk further than usual, spending three hours every day travelling to fetch water.

Ms Phiri lowers her bucket into the half-metre (19in) wide hole and draws brown-coloured water. She worries about her family getting sick.


“As you can see, the cattle are drinking from the same pit as us. Their urine is right there... it is not very healthy," she says.

"Because the rains didn’t come, we suffered a 100% loss in terms of all the crop," he adds, saying the programme might be forced to stop altogether in the next month as food stocks dwindle.


And the hunger and water crisis is yet to peak - October, the hottest and driest month of the year, is still a long way off.

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